It is the first measure of the 6-year-long internal debate on LGBTQI issues. The leading Anglican church says it seeks “a proper 21st century understanding of being human and of being sexual”.
A draft law aims to cancel the Prayer Day as a public holiday to increase the defence budget. “There is more at stake than a public holiday”, say religious leaders.
Final statistics of 2022 confirm that most families have seen huge increases in products such as milk and cereals. A look at salaries and the access to housing shows massive inequalities between European Union countries.
When we forget the creation narrative in which God affirmed the goodness of the climax of his handiwork, the human body, we struggle to tell the world a better story.
The Federation of Evangelical Religious Entities of Spain analyses the challenges and achievements of evangelical churches in 2022.
A survey shows that Roman Catholics decline the most and go to church the least. Over half of Protestants attend church at least once a month.
Around 60 professional and church groups commit to implement standards for staff, prevention programmes and crisis intervention teams.
John Newton, a former slave trader who became a pastor, presented his well-known hymn in 1773 to help his congregation understand 1 Chronicles 17:16-17.
The trends in other European countries do not follow the same pattern.
“Humanity lies in refusing to give in to demographic, lobbyist or economic pressures that call for facilitating early death", says the National Council of Evangelicals in France.
The official figure of the latest census shows that Cardiff is the only city with more than 5% of LGB+ people. Around 0.5% of the population identifies as transgender.
More than 23,000 visitors visited the ship operated by OM teams. Watch the video report.
From 8 to 15 January, European evangelical churches are invited to pray and rejoice together.
In 2 reports submitted to the Committee on the Rights of the Child, the Protestant Evangelical Committee for Human Dignity asks to abolish surrogacy and ban minors’ access to pornography.
In Ukraine the New Year celebration has always been more important than Christmas. This year is different, more people are focusing on Christmas and its meaning.
Photo gallery of Revive Europe 2022.
Swedish Board of Health warns that “care has been characterised by a lack of knowledge about the results of treatment” and recommends “to be given in the context of research”.
How to manage perinatal mourning as individuals, church and society? “We have to listen”, says Ana Amelia Sánchez, a psychologist with years of experience in that issue.
Revive Europe gathers the new generation for repentance, forgiveness and awakening.
Official data show a slight upturn in abortions. 90% of them were “at the woman's request”.
Evangelical Christians should stand up for people who are unjustly forcibly recruited, sent to the front, and forced to kill against their declared will and conscience.
The views of 10 European Christians, including a Protestant worker expelled from Turkey, an Albanian pastor defending his freedom of expression, an Ukrainian missionary seeking to return home, and a Spanish mime successful in Germany.
In 2022, the European Evangelical Alliance held a Hope for Europe experience in Sarajevo. Watch the highlights in this summary video.
We should preach as professionals in the sense of “to the best of our ability” and as amateurs in the sense of “with the passion of a captured heart”.
As we focus on the mind-stretching story of the Creator entering into his creation as a human infant, let’s worship him with heart, head and hands this Christmas.
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