The conflict between God and Satan is not a fight between two powers with equal chances of winning.
Charles Spurgeon's powerful message upon Matthew 27:46.
The German manager of Liverpool FC: “To be a believer, but not to want to talk about it - I do not know how it would work!”
“With our souls, with our blood, we will defend the Cross”, the Coptic Christians chanted in the funeral.
“We want people to remember their Creator during their youth, and then to run fast, shining brightly for His glory throughout their working lives”, says Graduate Impact coordinator Tim Vickers.
“We want to get away from a default setting that just assumes everyone is Christian”, said opponents. “The importance of religious beliefs should not be underestimated”, the Church of Scotland pointed out.
We not only come to faith at the foot of the cross, but we also become mature in its shadow.
The ruins are located in Manbij, one of Syria’s most ancient towns. Among the artifacts found, there were several versions of crosses etched into columns and walls, which indicate this was a significant site for Christians.
The Minister President of Bavaria plans to hang the Christian symbol in every state building by June. Catholics mainly oppose the decision as well.
The Minister President of the biggest German state defends his decision: “It is a fundamental symbol of the Christian Western identity”.
If that body was really gone, if Jesus had come back to life, then the matrix of reality is altered; tragedy is not the final result of goodness.
The historian Mario Escobar describes historical aspects of the key week in the life of Jesus, whose historicity is sometimes questioned by sceptics.
It is on the cross that the character of Christ reaches its greatest splendour. During the hours of deepest darkness, his words shine like radiant gold.
The local government poverty-relief programme aims to “transform believers in religion into believers in the party”.
Red Cross donation buses were invited to some of the commemorative events of the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation. “408 lives will be saved”, they said.
“We would be the 5th NGO in Spain, after the Catholic Church, the Red Cross, MSF and Aid in Action”, says Joan Grimá, author of the study "Social Action of Protestant NGOs and Churches in Spain."
If you look at it realistically, Jesus was a very unattractive messiah to believe in. He was a peasant who lived in an obscure corner of the Roman Empire.
Indian author Vishal Mangalwadi explains how Europe developed technology after understanding “the very important difference that the Bible made between work and toil.”
The resurrection of Jesus is not only a victory over biological death, but a victory over global Death and over the prince of darkness.
The Christian narrative leaves us remarkably healed from fear and free to enjoy the delights of this world and long for the eternal ones.
Some were not interested in losing their power and corrupt privileges. Others preferred to continue their religious life with a “straw God”.
He suffered in our place, because that was what we deserved, including the crown of thorns.
It is good to rethink the gospel presentations we use.
Most of the time most of us remain blissfully unaware of riches with which we have not yet engaged.
Red Cross and Doctors Without Borders said 21 aid workers died. Air Force admits the original target was a Boko Haram camp in the region.
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