Today everything revolves around being better or worse than someone else, but God teaches us that we should never look down on anyone.
The 3- hour class aims “to equip us with practical knowledge and skills for courageous idol removal in our life and in the lives of those we serve”.
Let's stop playing for the spectators and give our all for others and for the glory of God.
There are probably people in our churches today who have a personal history with Jesus we don’t know about.
We often make mistakes by misjudging others. We need a clean heart that asks for forgiveness,
Persist in everything that God has taught you throughout the years, as there is still so much to discover ahead of us.
The most important thing is not what we can get, but who we are.
We absolutely should be loving our neighbour, but it is important to think through what that really means.
Sometimes we mistakenly believe that those who trust in God will not suffer any wrong.
Let’s get down to the foundations and make sure our view of God, ourselves, sin, and living in response to God’s grace is all as biblical as it can be.
No one can say that they are living in the will of God while they are envious of others.
We forget that life quickly passes b
Most of the time we give in to discouragement and fear. But even today, Jesus' words are valid: “You of little faith, why are you so afraid?”
Miguel Wickham analyses the COP26 development, the challenges in addressing climate change, and the role of Christians.
We are the bride of Christ, He won our hearts and we are His. We are invited to live with our gaze fixed on Him and our every move lived in response to His loving leadership.
You cannot say you are a follower of Jesus if your life does not show the gratitude that always characterised the Master.
Only by the power of God will you manage to get what you have set out to do.
The head of Relational Mission “will give us an overview of the New Testament model of the Christian (and church) life”, says the FOCL, organiser of the event.
We have forgotten that we belong to God and not to ourselves.
We have no right to go around thinking that we wish we were like this or that person.
Get ready to receive the baton, run on and hand it over.
There are people who believe that they can do without God in their lives. Others say that God only speaks through them.
Sin is like that: it always looks pleasant and desirable. And once you have fallen into the trap, you become its slave.
His efforts to reform society were driven by a deep faith in Jesus and a commitment to the principles set out in the Sermon on the Mount. By Jacob Dunn.
We know that God is there in the midst of our sadness. He is with us, and He knows what we are going through.
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