You are free to choose whatever you want, but not to choose the effects of your actions.
Hands and knees are two of the most important tools for a Christian: hands to serve, knees to pray.
This world cannot be our home if there is no place for Jesus Christ and for love, truth, hope, dreams, peace, joy and kindness.
Christ taught you can tell what a person is like inside by the words they speak, and that everyone will give account for their words.
We would do well to let go a little of a metaphysical conversation, and ponder more the biblical revelation of a God in eternal communion.
God does not lose control as we do when we don't know how to solve something.
Doves and pigeons are often stigmatised as dirty birds. However, this description is completely false.
Over 600 teenagers attended XØ2023 in Madrid, a space where they could ask their questions and receive answers centred on Jesus.
God teaches us to laugh with the one who is laughing and to cry with the one who is crying
It is a great temptation to leave God 'for later on'. Please, stop the process before it is too late.
When we recognise our weakness at the foot of that cross, we are the strongest people in the world.
Looking for God's will always carries with it the condition of obeying Him at any cost.
I decided to get proactive about joy this year. I would work at an enjoyable pace, revising my to-do list whenever joy started to ebb.
If you want to win: pray,keep an intimate and direct relationship with God and avoid evil.
Whatever happens, Christ is the one who gives us power and helps us to achieve a goal.
Preach to present Christ. Offer Christ rather than a program for self-improvement. Invite people to know and to love Him.
If we are not capable of giving, we have not learned what loving means.
Let’s take to heart the strength of Jesus’ conclusion to his famous Sermon on the Mount for ourselves and for others.
God knows our real name.
Christ offers us a purposefulness that transcends the banality of life we experience as exploited consumer-producers and gives us a role as agents of His Kingdom. By Jad Tabet.
In God’s team there is incomparable happiness, joy, triumph, and beauty, but there are also a lot of tears.
How many times have you cried, literally, about not being able to control yourself?
Nothing is as worthy of our commitment as our family.
It is true that God made everything for us to enjoy, but not to abuse.
Life is totally different when the presence of God is a refuge and not a threat.
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