Vaughan Roberts speaks from 25 years of ministry experience to share four lessons on staying the course as a Christian, despite ongoing battles with the world, the flesh, and the devil.
A short video on Colossians 2:3: “in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge”.
God had always sought for fellowship with man and intimacy even when Adam and Eve sinned.
Now a refugee in Italy, Sayid is running away from his past. He fled his Middle-Eastern home when charged with blasphemy after he confronted an Iman who often abused sexually a boy.
Conversions are growing especially among the youth. Religious leaders have slammed government officials "for their negligence to stop the spread of Christianity."
Europe as the continent most exposed to the gospel over time and intensity, yet more recently also shaped by the abandonment of the gospel.
God will set things right in his time, the right time.
Red Cross donation buses were invited to some of the commemorative events of the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation. “408 lives will be saved”, they said.
Evangelist Michael Green speaks on how to mobilise the local church for effective evangelism.
There is an urgent need for Christians to seek the peace and prosperity of the whole continent of Europe at an uncertain time in its history.
Government of the Henan province orders 20,000 registered house church members to join the Three-Self Church, and ban foreign students from practising their religious beliefs.
He is the first swimmer to win three golds in one night. “I learn to trust what God is doing[...] God gave me the talent”, he said.
“We would be the 5th NGO in Spain, after the Catholic Church, the Red Cross, MSF and Aid in Action”, says Joan Grimá, author of the study "Social Action of Protestant NGOs and Churches in Spain."
When the Lord gives us a word to guide our lives, he only reveals to us as much as we need to know at that time.
Thousands of believers participated in a demonstration in the center of the Costa Rican capital under the motto #aMisHijosLosEducoYo (I educate my children).
The first of a series of articles on Schaeffer’s legacy and on the challenge he still poses to the world today.
Pastor Pietro Evangelista runs an association to help those affected by the earthquakes in Italy. "We want them to know that the evangelical church is present", he says.
Spanish preacher and songwriter Alex Sampedro: “It is time to make it clear that we want to bless the cities, we want to present Jesus to the people around us.”
Jay Eastman talks about the foundation of disciple-making leadership in an interview. “Out of the identity of being one with Christ, we are able to feed other fellow sheep.”
Growth in the Christian life depends on our knowing the will of God and obeying it, day by day.
“God’s love is ontological, it cannot be in any way diminished by my poor performance”, says Jerry Root, Professor of Christian Education at Wheaton College (USA).
Jesus understood that when religion springs out of fear it becomes really a religion of power.
‘Being’ is more important than ‘doing’ (because without a relationship with God, only death awaits). In short, whatever you do, let it be inspired by love!
Churches and Christians are called to participate in the Refugee Sunday on June 25. The EEA has joined 18 other NGOs to oppose the current EU discourse on migrations.
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