The European Disability Network (EDN) coordinated a series of workshops in Tallinn about how the Christian community can and should take into account people with disabilities.
Learn to rely on God at each moment, and so be faithful till the end.
He has named us his ambassadors on earth; as such, we should help others.
Are there witches or people practising magic today, or is it all one big hoax or delusion?
A generous attitude to a city forms citizens instead of consumers, communities that seek to promote the common good instead of promoting just their own agenda.
As it’s already past opening hours, I make a detour into the nearest town to find a late-night store.
You cannot say you are a follower of Jesus if your life does not show the gratitude that always characterised the Master.
The pan-European mission initiative ceases its activities. In a farewell letter, the board “praises God for the many seeds that were sown through the Congress and through the Movement”.
Only by the power of God will you manage to get what you have set out to do.
Daryl McCarthy, Vice President of Academic Programs and Strategy, Forum of Christian Leaders, explains what the Bible says about knowledge and wisdom.
Our entire culture is still geared toward satisfaction. According to the Bible, this is quite dangerous.
We are first and foremost relational beings and the quality of our relationships matters to God.
We have forgotten that we belong to God and not to ourselves.
That trip felt like a cautionary tale: like a chance to look back to a phase like one day I’ll look back to the whole of my life.
How to be a young person according to God's Heart.
Churches and its Christians would do well to simply follow the example of Jesus Christ and his approach to power and to those isolated or excluded by it.
The participants of the 4th annual bicycle ride "Velopiligrim" went across Belarus sharing their faith and visiting local churches.
There's only one person who can conquer death: Jesus Christ.
Our contemporary romantic beliefs make us long for someone who probably does not exist.
Pursuing the flourishing of women through Imago Dei.
Ken Sande, Founder and President of Relational Wisdom 360, develops a practical systematic theology for pursuing peace and resolving the conflicts of real life.
What will catch my eye? What will I worship? What will I surrender to?
Having thrown off a religious sensibility, our death-haunted culture needs to squeeze every last drop of experience out of our limited existences, before it all slips away.
Life is like a relay race. As we grow up, others are already running, and the day comes when they pass the baton.
A local Spanish television channel reports on the Centro Cristiano La Roca church, which has people of more than 15 nationalities among its members.
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