Jealousy and suspicion in marriages needs to be acknowledged, brought into the open and brought to resolution.
We are “condemned” to staying at home with our partner, our children or just ourselves.
The New Testament refers to hyssop in relation to the sacrifice of Christ on the cross
Let us listen carefully, think deeply, change appropriately to the messages from the media and speak relevantly through the media into our society.
I lead a congregation in Rome that thrives on handshakes, greet kisses, and physical contact. This winter, the coronavirus has taught Italians the cautions of distance and isolation.
Spirituality is not given its name because it is connected to the soul or the spiritual part of humanity, but because it comes from the Spirit of God.
Holiness means to consistently have clean behaviour, a clean life.
As technologically simulated relationships become ever more realistic and superficially convincing, we must be aware of the risk that the simulacrum will exert a seductive appeal to our hearts.
God wants mature people, able to judge and discern correctly.
We need to come back to God and believe in Him.
“God the Father, the Son and the Spirit are at work in our lives, through the gospel, to bring us into a relationship with theTrinity”, Peter Mead, Director of Cor Deo, says.
Many Christians seem to uphold traditional ideas about fatherhood that lack both the precision and nuance needed to father in today’s world.
We humans are often motivated to change only when we see the consequences of our actions.
Jesus used the opportunity to heal someone as a practical way of teaching us something else.
Global Integration is a framework for engaging actively and responsibly with our world, locally through globally, for God’s glory.
It is impossible to live a Christian life that pleases God if we are not filled with his Spirit.
Many Disney movies mix Judaeo-Christian teaching with other religious elements and spirituality and then ‘put some magic on top’ as the final solution for making your dreams come true.
Terry English, of youth ministry Josiah Venture, says discipling young people is “walking alongside them, helping them understand that their faith is about a relationship with Christ”.
There is nothing more important than coming to know Jesus as Lord.
We who follow Jesus Christ have also been made priests (Revelation 1:6).
God himself, the study of his word, and time, will teach and help to correct our errors.
All we could do was to give thanks to God and praise him for what he had done.
Jesus Christ came to this world to die on a cross out of love for you.
Art forms are a powerful vehicle for spreading the knowledge of Christ.
While we are in this life we are still engaged in waging war against sin, despite the fact that it has no lawful power over us.
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