Or : gardeners on vacation.
Nothing can change the certainty that God is at our side. Always, without exception.
About 2,000 Anglican representatives gather in Jerusalem under the theme “Proclaiming Christ faithfully to the nations”. The movement has grown exponentially due to its commitment to the authority of the Bible.
The popularity of the powerful President is falling strongly. “None of the parties have mentioned religious freedom” in the campaign, says Turkish Protestant Pastor Ihsan Özbek.
Romelu Lukaku of Belgium and Fidel Escobar of Panama knelt on the field to pray at the end of the game. Social media users described it as “the image of the day”.
The Observatory on Intolerance and Discrimination against Christians in Europe has collected over 2200 cases since 2006.
“Christianity in Burundi is more a part of the problem than the solution”, says a source in the country.
Paramilitary forces attacked the home of the evangelical leader with Molotov cocktails after he refused to let snipers use the building to repress anti-government protests.
Tina Tschage, on some areas in which other Christians can encourage singles.
The 630 people from 32 nationalities were received by interpreters, psychologists and medical doctors. Women in danger of being trafficked will receive special support.
The Christian leader has asked to publicly share his image to denounce how the government is violating Human Rights. Pressures on relatives of church members and false accusations might be the next steps in a full police crackdown on the church he leads.
It’s impossible to imagine the BBC producing any sort of programme that examined the origins of Islam or the Quran with anything like the severity with which Christianity or the Bible is treated.
With 129 votes in favour, 125 against and only one abstention. The Bill will now have to go to the Senate to be fully approved.
The owners of the Christian television broadcaster from the UK say they are ready to defend their rights in the courts.
Nothing in the world is comparable to the person of Jesus Christ.
“Europe is perhaps the greatest challenge for Christian mission today”, says the planning team of the gathering to be held in Germany in 2020.
The word ‘Bible’ became trending topic (TT) on Twitter after Pedro Sánchez decided to exclude religious symbols in his presidential inauguration. Meanwhile, a leftist party quoted Exodus and Proverbs to denounce corruption.
The “creative” way of redefining historical heresies for the sake of present-day quarrels could be used against Francis.
In a 7-2 vote, the court held that the Colorado Civil Rights Commission showed “hostility” towards the baker’s religious beliefs.
Anything other than believing God's Word is cheating.
As I look out of the window, I think of all those young people who made a commitment at that memorable event. What if that commitment was just the effect of the emotion of one evening?
Some of the ideas about mission and society shared at the #2018ELF conference in Poland.
The Kirk has begun official procedures to investigate the status and the role of the Westminster Confession of Faith within its denomination.
The moves could see the Confession being removed, replaced or changed in as little as 5 years - a significant development for the minority group of evangelicals who remain in Scotland’s national Kirk.
One in four Western Europeans say they are atheists, agnostics or have no particular religion, says a new Pew Research study conducted in 15 countries.
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