The miracle of new beginnings, the miracle of justice realised and the miracle of changed hearts.
Spending time with family during Christmas is great – but it is not the ultimate meaning of Christmas.
“No one came ot help that night, no nurse to numb the fright...”
More than 150 have been detained in the last month. “The current situation has been described by some as unprecedented, there are a huge number of arrests and detentions”.
It's not enough to hear the message; you have to act on it.
According to the government, 508 Coptic, Orthodox, Protestant, and Catholic churches have received its approval since February. At the same time, eleven churches were shut down.
“Be more intentional with your shopping choices, slow down your consumption, choose contentment, practise gratitude and be generous”, are some of the advices of Baptist World Aid Australia.
A response to the Pew Research Center’s 2018 report, Being Christian in Europe.
European and US experts address the sexual revolution in a new free curriculum offered by the Forum of Christian Leaders.
Here is where it gets interesting: they marry. And have kids. And Tim’s father dies.
Is the Tree a Pagan Symbol?, Is Santa the Antichrist? (and more).
Pastor of Early Rain Covenant Church in Chengd, Wang Yi, was detained for allegedly “inciting subversion of state power”.
“We’re not taking energy from my ministry when we care for our family in missional kind of ways”, says President of Josiah Venture Dave Patty.
Have you been good? is the magic question which echoes in children’s heads, and we encourage them to say “yes” in order to get their deserved reward in the form of presents. But is this Christmas?
Witnesses said the gunman yelled “Allahu Akbar” (God is greatest, in Arabic). The suspect was on the “Fiche S” list of potential security threats.
The training of imams, the foreign influence on Germany's mosques, and the role of Islamic theology in universities, were some of the topics discussed at the German Islam Conference.
Christians in Parliament published a consultation which “seeks to explore how living out Christian faith in UK interacts with public institutions”.
Our grand truth arrives only with a definitive encounter: only when we meet our Creator.
How to avoid festive temptation.
A CSW reports shows that Colombian Christians are suffering “restrictions on religious activity, threats, extortion, assassination and forced displacement”.
The real first Christmas is not a fairytale or a myth, it is the remarkable launch of a rescue mission that changes human history.
A practical case study of mobilisation in Taiwan.
Christians have been wrong on the environment, but they have also, at times, been right, acting justly and humanely—and with results that we still benefit from today.
Up to 50 Christian schools and hospitals have been affected, and the military has kidnapped four churches. “We need peace and the UN intervention”, a Cameroonian Christian says.
Charles David Kelley, painter and president of Bridge Builders International, examines the convergence of art, culture, and faith from a Biblical perspective.
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