Lucio Malan was asked to explain his opposition to same-sex marriage and quoted the Old Testament. He is a member of the Protestant Waldesian Church but disagrees with its liberal approach to sexual morality.
The FIFA World Cup has turned critical eyes to the small Persian Gulf country. Three people on the ground analyse the freedom of Christians.
Charles Malik helped shape the post-war international order based on respect for human rights. His Christian faith guided his global stateman’s career.
The uncertain times for European society call for a rapid shift in our collective perception from its reactionary mode.
Matthias Boehning shares his impressions after attending the COP27 global climate conference in Egypt. He represented the World Evangelical Alliance.
Experts, activists and NGO representatives from across Europe gathered for the first time in 3 years for European Freedom Network’s in-person conference in October.
The organisation asks authorities “to allow any religious organization to operate peacefully, free from monitoring and interference”.
From over 16 nations across Europe, younger leaders gathered in Poland to connect, share hearts, be prayed for and learn about Europe and what Spirit-filled leadership will mean for today.
God is the One who has created everything, the only One deserving all praise and glory.
About half of the Swedish population feels they cannot speak openly about their political and religious views.
Let’s preach in light of 1 Thessalonians 1 and dare to believe that we are participating in the transformation of lives for eternity.
Let’s take seriously the warnings we have been given, repent of our personal and systematic greed and serve the Lord and our neighbours with joy and hope.
The regime claims that the premises are illegal and needed for mothers with over 3 children who do not have a home. The church has been there for 30 years.
Looking anew into our disabilities deepens our relationship with God and exposes us to His might. An article by Abed Zien El Dien.
The pandemic, and the war in Ukraine made the society more skeptical of the mainstream views and opened a door for Christian politicians.
We must seek ways to communicate, participate, and act in order to bring about positive changes in today's increasingly ‘glocal’ world.
“We do not see it as an attack on religious freedom”, said the German Evangelical Alliance. Minister of State for Culture propose to cover the Bible verse with “reflecting texts”.
Four Christians women were arrested on charges of fraudulent conversion and remained in jail for over a month, but the threats and harassment continue.
Religion is necessarily soteriological, meaning it is about the regeneration of individuals and the restoration of all that was lost through the fall.
Professor John Wyatt gives a perspective as a Christian bioethics experts on issues that are provoking a huge socio-political debate in Europe. An interview ahead of his participation in the "Jornadas de Bioética" conference in Spain, December 2022.
Every 31 October, the beginning of the Protestant Reformation is commemorated around the world. Wittenberg in Germany was the place were Martin Luther's 95 theses were first read.
After 36 years of pastoring churches in Turkey, Carlos Madrigal was labelled a threat to national order and is no longer allowed to enter the country. He and his wife Rosa share lessons to be learned about Christian work in non-Western countries.
The Greater Love Declaration upholds “a classic, orthodox Christian teaching on marriage, sex and identity”. “We will not surrender the ‘Greater Love’ of Jesus”, signatories say.
Problems in our politics are not resolved by us stepping away from the fray. You don’t fix a problem by being a spectator.
A Christian broadcaster in the Middle East is giving embattled Iranian women a voice after government officials shut down the nation’s internet amid mass protests that have turned deadly.
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