Does Matthew 16 Support the Doctrine of the Papacy?
The city approves an initiative to honour the Reformer that challenged the ‘capital of Catholicism’ five centuries ago. Politicians waited for the approbation of Vatican authorities.
The leaders of the independence movement in Mexico were fiercely fought by royalist forces, who counted with the staunch support of the authorities of the Catholic Church.
One year ago Swedish Protestantism was shocked by his conversion to Catholicism. Evangelical Alliance's Stefan Gustavsson thought it “challenged everyone to think through their theological convictions.”
Leonardo de Chirico analyses the content of the latest encyclical, and compares it with similar evangelical documents.
Following the publication of Pope Francis´ encyclical “Laudato Si”, Christian experts Miguel Wickham and Antonio Cruz analyse the current debate from an evangelical perspective.
“Catholic theology is the largest faith system and the largest Christian faith system in the world, so we need to invest a lot of energy to research it, understand it, interact with it”, argues WEA's Thomas Schirrmacher.
First reason: I don’t go to Mass because Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross was once and for all.
The Institute for Religious Works earned 69.3 million euros in 2014. More than 4,600 suspicious accounts have been closed.
Luther's critique is not confined to his contemporary experience of the Papacy, but draws on historical and theological arguments.
The 150-page manual delineates the sermon as having the following features: short, not a lecture, not too abstract, not an exegetical exercise and not a personal testimony only.
Prime minister valls says Christianity is “the very essence of France”. Jihadists will target churches because they are symbolic of European culture but not yet under surveillance, says expert.
Peter Wehner, a columnist for the New York Times, wrote an interesting and thought provoking article titled "Why Evangelicals Should Love the Pope."
Catholics believe that Mary is the Mother of the Church. Firstly, she gave birth to Jesus; and secondly, because of John 19:27.
Some of the language of the Pope seems to resemble Gospel emphases, yet the substance of it is still heavily sacramental and hierarchical.
Vatican expert Leonardo de Chirico analises "celebrity" status of Pope Francis and shares insight from an Italian point of view.
The announcement of Pope Francis, of his decision to hold a “special Jubilee”, has taken everyone by surprise: the Vatican experts, newspapers, politicians, but even the same Catholic hierarchy.
Italian Vatican expert Leonardo de Chirico looks back to the first 2 years of Pope Francis: “His popularity is more of a social media phenomenon than a real one”.
Generally speaking, togetherness is a highly valued condition. Biblically, however, it needs to be qualified in order not to become an intrusive idol.
“Preaching a Christ with no power leads to a church with no message”, concluded the Spanish Evangelical Alliance at their annual meeting. Evangelical identity and ecumenism were the main topics under discussion.
According to Pope Francis, the “true face” of the Church is where the maternal and the hierarchical dimensions are intimately connected to one another and form the core of the church’s identity.
How do Protestants differ from non-Protestants in their behaviour? Are their communities more democratic, horizontal or concerned by their neighbours? Do they have less corruption and abuse?
In this second article I am focusing on the growth of Pentecostalism and the so called prosperity gospel.
Reports say that the puzzled crowd that was sitting and standing in the Vatican basilica shouted “Holy Mother of God” three times as the Pope had instructed.
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