Attacks on evangelical home churches by Hindu extremists have increased lately with the connivance of the police and the media.
Some believe that “Europe cannot afford to dismiss energy sources” with low CO₂ emissions, but others warn that the decision of the European Union “is all about information for the capital markets”.
In Glasgow, it was so encouraging to see Christian young people across the world and especially in the UK taking this up and making their voices heard.
Missiologist Jim Memory analyses the main trends in church and society. He will be one of the speakers at this week’s Lausanne Europe 20/21 gathering.
Miguel Wickham analyses the COP26 development, the challenges in addressing climate change, and the role of Christians.
We talk to Christian scientist Fernando Forgioni about the challenges of COP26. He hopes it will promote real measures to curb the climate change.
Evangelical remarks on Catholic S.J. David Meconi’s latest book.
Scientists and Christians currently both believe in a starting point for creation, but then diverge from there. An article by Terry Young.
WEA Advocacy Officer Wissam al-Saliby, talks with Chris Elisara, Director of the Creation Care Taskforce at the WEA, about the evangelical role at the upcoming COP26.
Christians have a dual responsibility to steward the planet and to love our neighbour. An article by Hannah Eves.
The upcoming election might confirm a move towards progressive policies in areas such as education and abortion. The country’s Christian Democratic Party fights for its survival.
The Early Rain Covenant church was already shuttered 2 years ago. Children under 18 are not allowed at church.
Miguel Wickham analyses the IPCC climate experts' report, which warns of serious consequences for habitability if temperatures continue to rise as a result of human action.
This debate is really about something much bigger: what —or who— is the basis of reality, and how does this “filter down” to the issue of gender?
On 17th June, the Christian apologist and author will be interviewed in an online event as part of the Lausanne Europe agenda to prepare the November gathering in Poland.
In Genesis the first six days of creation can be divided into two groups of three days through which God overcomes the “formless” and “void”.
“Jesus calls us to live and reflect the Kingdom of God here on earth, working for the protection of all creatures without fatalism or desertion”, says the declaration.
‘My Octopus Teacher’ has won the Oscar for best documentary feature film. What can the relationship between a diver and a common octopus show us about God’s grace?
The Italian city, epicentre of the Covid-19 one year ago, thanks the evangelical NGO for building a field hospital which cared about patients in the worst wave of the virus.
Let’s not choose between in-building or online children’s and youth work; let’s not create exclusion by cutting off families who have been able to connect to church like never before over the past 12 months.
“Most Somali Christians are underground believers. We are a persecuted community”, explain the leaders of an online community of believers in the country.
As Christians, how can we respond to this generational conflict over the state of our planet? By David Snoswell.
Its excellent sense of hearing enables it to detect small rodents, large insects, birds and worms, whereas its small size (25 cm from beak to tail) prevents it from hunting for larger prey.
This book enables us to extend the conversation and consider further how to put people not devices at the centre of our lives.
Pandemic has emphasized our own inadequate material and naturalistic assumptions about reality. An article by Stephen Ko, Paul Hudson, and Jennifer Jao.
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