So much has changed since the last European Parliament election in 2019, but one thing that hasn’t changed is the influence of nationalism. If anything, it is a bigger issue in 2024 than it was in 2019 or back in 2010.
Francis is a “liquid” pope who is liquifying an institution that has made its rocky and immutable structure a distinctive trait of its identity.
There has been a growing awareness of the need for a journal that could serve Spanish-speaking regions, such as Latin America, Spain, and Equatorial Guinea.
Miguel Wickham analyses the IPCC climate experts' report, which warns of serious consequences for habitability if temperatures continue to rise as a result of human action.
We are not free to maximise our own pleasure and happiness at the expense of others; such thinking comes not from Genesis 1 but Genesis 3 – it arose from the Fall. Much of the resistance to the reform of capitalism comes from a faulty anthropology.
“This is an attempt to offer an holistic view of how Christian practice and the coronavirus are connected”, says Jason Mandryk, the author of Operation World.
“Evangelicals for Trump” will be presented in a Miami megachurch. A growing number of Christian voices warn that an uncritical attachment to the President could damage the gospel witness.
On Thursday 23 June, the citizens of the UK will decide if they remain in the European Union. 7 Christians organisations share a joint prayer. Several authors have published biblical perspectives at Evangelical Focus.
We love new technologies and we use them passionately. But we also know God’s mission is done through and for real people. The ELF conference in Wisla (Poland) reinforces our aim to analyse the big challenges of today through the Christian worldview.
The media’s interpretation of the significance of the discovery a few months before it was made reflects the need most humans feel to find ultimate spiritual reality.
NASA and NOAA studies revealed that global temperatures were more than one degree above average, and Arctic sea ice was at a record low this January.
A new film about Zwingli, the macro-operation against sexual slavery in Barcelona, a Biblical perspective on tattoos, Angela Merkel’s faith...
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