The last time I preached the whole Bible in a single message, what text proved pivotal? It came from Leviticus.
The United Bible Societies reported that there has been an increase of 5.5%.although distribution challenges “are still high”, due to the pandemic.
Its fruit is green and about the size of an apple, and it is pleasant to look at, but when it is ripe it bursts, scattering its feather-like seeds which are then carried by the wind.
Every Psalm points to God’s character, which is an excellent focus for your heart.
Operation Transit returns this summer to deliver thousands of Bibles and Christian materials to people crossing the borders to North Africa.
A majority of parliamentarians in Strasbourg passes a non-binding resolution that “strongly” condemns the Supreme Court decision of the United States.
Whichever approach you take, be sure to keep diving in, looking to know Jesus more and growing in your appreciation of God’s heart towards you.
In Israel there are currently seven species of vipers. In the Old Testament there are numerous Hebrew terms that refer to them.
In a post-Christendom state, the biblical vision still has power to shape ideas and motivate action.
Among the changes, which will cost the state 104 million euros, it will allow minors aged 16 and 17 to carry out abortions without authorisation.
A report originally written to help the EU fight the persecution of faith minorities was watered down before its approval. The European Evangelical Alliance warns about the risks of minimising the importance of certain human rights.
There are 24 known species. However, in the Holy Land there are only two: bread wheat, a rare variety as it only grows in Shefela and in the mountains of Judea; and wild emmer wheat, abundant throughout the country.
Free evangelicals are the Christian group who says they know the commandments in Exodus and Deuteronomy best (57%), a survey finds.
This fruit is mentioned in Leviticus in relation to the feast of the Tabernacles and it actually refers to the citron tree.
This could be one of the greatest discoveries of biblical archaeology in modern times.
The Law for the Protection of Life and the Family passed with 101 votes in favour, 51 abstentions and 8 against. Evangelicals presented 100,000 signatures requesting the approval.
Let all of our interactions with children and young people with additional needs be honouring to them.
Horseflies are similar to flies, but larger in size, with a thick body. The females have a complex buccal apparatus, with sharp, hard elements capable of piercing the skin in order to feed on their blood.
The Winter Olympics begin this week amid complaints about the Chinese regime's “massive abuses” of minorities and the strict surveillance of its citizens.
The Hebrew word zera, which means “seed”, both vegetal and animal, was translated into Greek as sperma, meaning “that which has been sown”.
Despite her past stand against abortion, Roberta Metsola told reporters after being elected that her position on abortion will be “that of the European Parliament”.
What Old Testament prophets would say if they travelled through time and visited our churches today? What would they say to preachers?
The evangelical faith, while feeling totally part of the history of the faithful church, is ultimately submitted to Scripture alone.
It is the second synagogue from that time found there, which was a key center of the Jewish life . The New Testament refers to it as the birthplace of Mary Magdalene.
An Urgency Resolution was passed by the European chamber mentioning 9 people imprisoned since the peaceful protests in July. The EU could suspend its cooperation agreement with Cuba.
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