The EEA says it will not tell Christian in Europe “how to vote” but aim to offer a resource to “help you to elect the next Parliament responsibly”.
The importance of the Epistle to the Hebrews lies in the fact that it describes the deep significance of the historical facts concerning the passion and death of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The three-part series is a Turkish-American production. It blends dramatic reenactments with insights from theologians and historians. “What really drew us in was the mystery of Moses’ inner life, his struggles with his own identity, his self-doubt”, the creators say.
A federal amendment aims to allow Sunday work in cities with international tourism. “It does not correspond to any overriding or compelling social interest”, evangelicals say.
Both the European Commission and the Parliament are addressing the problem of hate crimes. But without a clear definition of what “hate” is, we will not solve the problem, writes Arie de Pater of the European Evangelical Alliance in Brussels.
President Macron, who urged to make the changes “as soon as possible”, seeks to present France as a champion of women rights worldwide.
In the House of Lords, the bill is criticised as an attack on freedom of speech, religious freedom and parenting. “It would make illegal expressing some of the profoundest beliefs”.
House of David followes the fall of Saul and the rise of David in a story about love, politics and war, the producers say.
The European Parliament elections are a strategic opportunity to launch new political parties. In countries like Spain, some dream of having a first-ever evangelical representative in Brussels.
The Spanish government hopes to reduce the working week to 37.5 hours. But work is not the enemy, it is the conditions that do not allow for healthy growth and service, Christians say.
While the political actors involved welcome the agreement, evangelical organisations take a critical look at the details of the pact.
While the Spanish Prime Minister defends in Brussels his law to “start over”, many doubt that undoing the judges' sentences will bring a rapprochement between strongly opposing positions.
The new president attended an inter-religious event in which the Evangelical Alliance leader prayed for the nation. One of the 5 evangelical parliamentarians told the Argentinian Assembly: “God is the source of all reason and justice”.
Five hundred participants at the European Parliament Prayer Breakfast in Brussels last Wednesday listened intently to a Palestinian Christian leader and others who are suffering under the Israel-Gaza conflict.
In a Q&A session in the parliament, the German Chancellor stressed that “it is unacceptable when men buy women. That has always outraged me morally”.
The Maltese are proud of their Christian heritage stretching back to Paul’s shipwreck on their island. How might God want to turn the ‘raging storms’ presently buffeting Europe and the Middle East into the advance of his kingdom?
During the pandemic, the French Bible Alliance started the Manuscript Bible. Public figures such as footballer Olivier Giroud or doctor Denis Mukwege copied passages.
The future of pensions and the price of energy are hot issues in the non-EU country at the heart of Europe. EVP and EDU seek to attract evangelical voters.
The directive “adds new crimes”, which include surrogacy for the purposes of reproductive exploitation. It will now be negotiated with the European Council.
The Argentinean Parliament has unanimously approved a draft law that "strengthens religious freedom in the country", evangelicals say.
Dutch Christian MEP, Bert-Jan Ruissen has organised the exposition. “The EU has a moral duty to credibly protect freedom of religion”, he said in the opening.
The European Parliament building, with its circular auditorium for parliamentary gatherings, is built right over the Maalbeek-swamp. Recently the building was discovered to be sinking –about one centimetre each year.
The contrast of the Old Testament’s Cherem wars with the Quran’s ideology of Jihad is striking. This will help understand the current debate in Sweden – and elsewhere.
The government wants “a balance between opening up this new right to the French people and the legitimate concerns of professionals”.
The dogs referred by Jesus in Matthew 7 were animals that belonged to no one, running wild and untamed, and consuming any waste that they could find, including corpses, which was why they were regarded as unclean.
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