Exodus 4:24-26: Those three short verses are the only place in the biblical narrative where Zipporah is recorded as having done anything, but how important was her contribution!
The Special Committee on Terrorism proposes to “ban and remove all religious literature within their territory that incites to violent and terrorist acts”,
Škripek is a Member of the European Parliament (MEP) and a convinced Christian. To him, praying for a seemingly hopeless situation as there is in Syria is a logical thing to do.
Representatives of the Democratic Federation of Northern Syria explained in Brussels their social model for a post-war Syria. The initiative for the cooperation was taken by the Christians, in collaboration with Muslims and other groups.
The Bible shows us examples of legitimate opposition to the abuse of power by those in authority, and it is not simply limited to the subject of preaching the Gospel.
Straightaway he replies, “Here I am”, and that begins a conversation with God which ends up with him choosing to abandon his comfortable lifestyle and to lead the Israelites out of slavery.
A brief defence of the deity of Christ.
Four politicians of the Swiss Parliament joined the event in the centre of Bern.
The new #FoRBDefender movement stands in solidarity with people across the globe facing discrimination, oppression and violence because of their religion or belief (including non-belief).
Despite losing votes, the President wins the Presidential election (52%) and gains new powers as head of government. Opposition parties such as the pro-Kurds gain seats in Parliament.
The popularity of the powerful President is falling strongly. “None of the parties have mentioned religious freedom” in the campaign, says Turkish Protestant Pastor Ihsan Özbek.
The Observatory on Intolerance and Discrimination against Christians in Europe has collected over 2200 cases since 2006.
The word ‘Bible’ became trending topic (TT) on Twitter after Pedro Sánchez decided to exclude religious symbols in his presidential inauguration. Meanwhile, a leftist party quoted Exodus and Proverbs to denounce corruption.
The no-confidence motion has passed with the support of 180 MPs. There was one abstention and 169 MPs voted against it.
All the speakers of the event organised in the European Parliament emphasised the importance of implementing family-friendly policies.
The Equality Commission of the Spanish Parliament warns that the Bill discriminates against other groups in society. 38% of the articles of the draft law incur in legal contradictions.
Moses learnt that, as Hudson Taylor was fond of saying, God’s work done in God’s way never lacks God’s supply.
Assiste suicide is supported by a larga majority of the Congress. In 2011, the Evangelical Medical Union sent a report on euthanasia to the government.
There were insects that could be eaten, such as various types of winged locusts, which the New Testament also refers to as the food that John the Baptist ate.
It is the first time that the Legislative Assembly of the Central American nation has as many as fourteen Christian MPs.
The Evangelical People’s Party in Switzerland will be 100 years old in 2019. Perceived as centrist, almost all of its membership comes from the Protestant Church and free evangelical churches.
In Western Europe today the majority of the church is made up of the relatively wealthy middle classes.
Auke Minnema, General Director of the European Christian Political Movement, says young Christians should be encouraged to engage with society following the example of Jesus Christ and many others in the Bible. “We have a message, and we should be salt and light”.
The National Council of Evangelicals in France (CNEF) opposes the “fatherless assisted reproduction”. France has opened a public consultation prior to the approval of a new bioethics law.
How can we be more aware of God’s constant presence with us and of the pattern of his working in the spheres in which we live our life?
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