Answers to 5 of the most common questions.
The US may have left the Paris climate agreement, but Christians cannot avoid their responsibility in preserving God’s creation, says Antonio Cruz.
Political and religious leaders heavily criticise the decision. France, Germany and Italy reject Trump’s assertion that the climate deal can be redrafted.
Lindsay Brown closed the European Leadership Forum in Poland challenging participants to recover the centrality of the gospel and strengthen the mission of carrying the message of Christ to the ends of the Earth.
The 2017 European Leadership Forum gathered hundreds in Poland to celebrate the Reformation and connect to better share the gospel in diverse national contexts. See picture gallery.
Three truths that help us overcome the power of the flesh.
Exactly 1,517 meters long is the Bible that has been unfolded in the German city of Magdeburg to celebrate the Protestant Reformation.
Spanish evangelicals launch a series of videos explaining how the Reformation has impacted society. In July, Madrid will host the “15J”, a week with a Congress, evangelism and concerts to commemorate the 500th anniversary.
About 800 participants will travel to Poland to take part in specialised networks. John Lennox will be the main Bible teacher during the annual gathering, which aims to strengthen God’s mission in European countries.
A Cameroonian studying in a French university and a Serbian High School student share their impressions after the European Student Evangelism conference “Presence 2017”.
Former Minister of Culture and Socialist Party leader in Madrid, Ángel Gabilondo, thanks Protestants for their contribution to the advance of “freedoms.”
An exhibition in the region of Galicia shows the impact of the Bible despite many obstacles. Photos: Marina Acuña.
Poland, Lithuania, Namibia and Brazil are some of the countries that have issued special stamps on the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther’s 95 theses.
Around 200 people read the Bible publicly in Madrid’s Main Square, a place where “heretics”, followers of the Reformation, were condemned.
Pastor Gary Wilkerson talks about his father, the meaning and impact of the Protestant Reformation, and the key role that sound doctrine and the Holy Spirit should play in the church.
Pastor Gary Wilkerson talks about what all evangelical Christians can learn from the Protestant Reformation and underlines the need for more churches with both a sound doctrine and obedience to the Holy Spirit.
The Ensemble Bohórquez recounted the history of salvation through the pieces of classical Protestant composers. The concert took place in Valladolid, a key Spanish city in the times of the Reformation.
A summary video of the IFES Europe conference which brought together 1,700 students from many countries in Aschaffenburg (Germany) to reflect on God's mission in society.
The IFES European Student Evangelism Conference gathered 1,700 students from around 50 countries in Aschaffenburg (Germany). This year, the conference theme is Presence.
The Renew Our World campaign is “calling on Christians worldwide to join in prayer and action to respond to the negative consequences of climate change.”
The German city is ready for “Gates of Freedom”, 16 weeks of events which could attract 500,000 visitors.
About 160 participants from 28 countries met in Hungary for practical training, resources and networking. It has been the most attended Refugee Highway Partnership Roundtable so far.
At about 40 light-years from Earth, it is possible that some of them could have water on their surface.
Spanish evangelicals propose new theses in areas like politics or science.
Our churches should be examples of institutions that serve the common good, that speak out against injustice, and that are led with integrity.
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