More than 450 authors and almost 30,000 contents published since the website was launched in January 2015. “The journey we have made reinforces the idea that approaching current affairs from a Christian perspective is not only relevant but necessary”.
“EF promotes constructive conversations that seek to edify, to understand”, writes the president of the Spanish Evangelical Alliance on the 10th anniversary of this journalistic project.
Peacebuilding and advocacy are complementary, sometimes intertwined disciplines. After all, there can be no true peace without justice.
Looking back, it is clear that we are already extravagantly loved as God’s children. Looking forward, we discover that our revelation as the bride of Christ is still to come.
Common decency says we should not liken anything today to 1930’s Germany. In light of what has happened recently and what may lie ahead, maybe it would be wiser if we did.
It may be that the turbulent times stir previously comfortable hearts to a new level of openness. When those moments come, we must offer Jesus to a needy world.
Today, we live in a world of indolence that strengthens people with sinister agendas, whatever their ideology or religion may be.
I don’t want to condemn the church in the 1930s without acknowledging how easily cowed the church in the 2020s might prove to be.
Society may be conditioned to support an approved narrative, but we are called to be men and women of truth.
I’d like to ponder what Nazi Germany might mean for how we preach and influence both church and society in our tumultuous times.
Aglow held its largest conference ever in the Southern European country, providing a space for encounter, reflection and evangelical unity around the gospel.
“If suicide is already a taboo subject, it is even more invisible in the socially vulnerable population”, said organisers of a conference.
An interview with Luis Rodríguez Pérez, who follows the fate of political prisoners in Cuba, two years after the pro-democracy protests. “A vast majority of Cubans have been in the opposition since they have the faculty to reason”.
The free and anonymous telephone number offers 24/7 help to victims. The agreement with the National Police follows a model working well in Greece.
Miguel Lara and Rosa Burguera of the band Sal150 have written a book about mourning the loss of their 22-year-old daughter.
May our hearts be so captivated by His love that our churches increasingly look like the body of Christ.
God’s pattern is for suffering now to be followed by glory later. It was true for Jesus, for Peter’s readers then, and it is true for Peter’s readers now.
According to NGO Forum 18, convictions are used to “intimidate individuals” who use their religious freedom. Sentences include fines of two months of average wage and bans on religious activity.
A survey by Forum 18 shows that “violations of the human rights have increased since fraudulent presidential elections and the regime's support for Russia's invasion of Ukraine”.
It is true that life change is God’s business and I can’t force it; but let us never grow comfortable with people drifting away from Christ.
The nature of God’s character should flow into our ministry, which will then characterise our connection with the church.
Let’s preach in light of 1 Thessalonians 1 and dare to believe that we are participating in the transformation of lives for eternity.
Let’s take seriously the warnings we have been given, repent of our personal and systematic greed and serve the Lord and our neighbours with joy and hope.
The problem of modern slavery was made visible in Bournemouth, Stuttgart, Valencia, Bern, Innsbruck, Sofia, Copenhagen, and dozens of other cities.
In the days following July 11 evangelical leaders raised their voices as well as others who on rare occasions have directly and publicly confronted the Castro regime..
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