God has called you, so He will make sure you get up each time you fall, and set you above what people may say.
God teaches us in His Word that we should be thankful. Start being thankful to you parents and to honour them right now..
Wherever you experience conflict, let our first response not be to pay it back, but to take a deep breath, and make the choice to show kindness instead.
There are reports of a renewal in church youth work from all over Scandinavia. What could Jesus contribute as an influencer in this context?
God wants us all to be pioneers to the people around us who do not know the gospel; there are many ways of being a pioneer. Are you one?
God has created us, and He loves us just the way we are. This is the most simple of truths, but one of the hardest to understand.
God's plan was put into the hands of eleven very ordinary men, fearful, and doubting. He sent His Holy Spirit and filled them and all those who believed in Him with power.
Obstacles are nothing more than passing difficulties. The race goes on, and all we need is wisdom from God.
Every day, every moment, we can decide who we are going to obey in relation to nature and created beings.
The aid is welcomed. We now need to see this funding provided quickly, targeted well, and used effectively for the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities pupils.
Anyone who puts his faith in himself has a short future. One of the biggest dangers of our day is pride.
Although James has almost no speech communication, we see God at work in him and through him in wonderful ways.
Jesus felt the scorn of his own people, and He taught us that a prophet will often not be honoured in his own country.
By adapting our communication to meet the needs and communication styles of those we know, we can enter more fully into their world.
The victory depends on an abundance of counselors. God often uses his sons and daughters to teach us important life lessons.
Let’s celebrate our ‘badges’ and use them to be a help and a blessing to people who haven’t earned their ‘badge’ yet, but are working towards it.
God speaks and advises us personally. He shows us the way we should go. He corrects us, disciplines us, sustains and encourages us.
It is much better not to promise in the first place than to promise, and then not get round to keeping it.
The lessons we have learned from James’ bath night are important lessons for us to remember in lots of scenarios, and they may just also help you too.
Evi Rodemann, L4 Congress Events Coordinator, shares facts and stats about the large gathering that brought together a cross-section of the world’s evangelical churches in September 2024.
I came from the future because in Seoul at L4, I had the opportunity to connect with issues of relevance for the coming years of the Global Church.
Four ways Lausanne’s latest congress in Incheon-Seoul impacted global evangelicalism.
On the cross, Jesus suffered the punishment for all the sin of the world, He yielded up his powerful hands out of love.
All the energy we waste looking outwards should be used more productively looking inwards to check what our failings are and seek to rectify them.
We have to learn to be much more dependent on Him and stop carrying all that baggage around with us.
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