Begin by asking God to show us his will and then everything else will fall into place in its time.
Nothing can compare to the security of our relationship with him and the peace that he puts in our hearts.
When we want everything to finish quickly, it's because we are afraid of losing our victory in the last moments.
The more we complain, the more we are showing others how little we depend on God.
The Bible shows us that one of the characteristics of God's nature is kindness.
Holiness means to consistently have clean behaviour, a clean life.
God wants mature people, able to judge and discern correctly.
We need to come back to God and believe in Him.
God has given us the victory in all the situations of our lives by means of our Lord Jesus Christ.
It is impossible to live a Christian life that pleases God if we are not filled with his Spirit.
There is nothing more important than coming to know Jesus as Lord.
God asks us to be faithful... both to Him and to His word ... nothing more, and nothing less.
God is not going to condemn you for rejecting Him; it is rather that by choosing to ignore Him you carry on in your original state of condemnation.
God himself, the study of his word, and time, will teach and help to correct our errors.
Jesus Christ came to this world to die on a cross out of love for you.
God has made provision for irreconcilable enemies to come before him in worship, and to have his love for one another.
Which team do you belong to? Is Jesus your Lord? Don't be ashamed of it!
While we are in this life we are still engaged in waging war against sin, despite the fact that it has no lawful power over us.
On many occasions we are more concerned that others should be admiring us, than helping others to win.
We need to ‘speak’ with actions as well as with words, and start with the people around us.
God expects us to be strong enough to make the evil one frightened of our words and deeds.
We should all do what God has prepared for us, wherever he has placed us. And we should do it with a clean heart.
When Adam sinned he looked for something to cover himself with (yes, sin strips you bare, it shows who you really are).
The Bible teaches that blessings and curses cannot spring from the same source.
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