ECPM now has four MEPs and brings together around 20 political parties. “We explicitly promote Christian values in politics”, says its President.
The Rome Scholars and Leaders Network held its fifth edition. It is unique for its disciplinary focus in Roman Catholicism and the quality of its program.
"Justice While Fleeing" looks at the situation of asylum seekers from different contexts. A doc by the intercultural working community of the Swiss Evangelical Alliance.
The power of God is sufficient to overcome any enemy, any temptation, any bad habit.
Almost 86 years old, Rosa Gubianas still translates articles from English into Spanish, one of her passions. This was a conversation we had in her flat one afternoon.
Mutual respect, accompanied by wise communication, are vital as we aim to build healthy relationships with our MENA neighbors.
Hundreds of people took part in the Spain We Pray For You prayer marches held under the theme of “peacemakers” to encourage prayer for “the welfare of the city”.
Christians should be known for their ability to analyse cultural narratives, especially those that appeal to Christian values.
Being around Christians and using Christian language is not enough. Without a vital personal relationship with Christ, they are merely running on the fumes of Christianity.
Zazpi Jausi “facilitates after-school sports practice” for dozens of children from vulnerable backgrounds. “It is an instrument of blessing”, say its founders
Sculpturers, musicians, painters and others form a Christian network of artists in Europe. “God gives you both talent and responsibility”, they say.
The book provides a searching and honest analysis of the deep challenges faced by the church today, and a clear and hopeful vision for where we go next.
“Prostitution is a paid act of sexual violence and contrary to human dignity”, said an evangelical member of parliament in a motion that was defeated by the majority.
The new headquarters of the entity is in Madrid. “We want you to see this place as the home of all who love the Bible”, said the general director.
The German debate around the CDU party is not new. Everywhere in Europe the Christian Democracy is on the defeat. This is a warning for evangelicals as well.
Four missionaries from different denominations plant “Kanisa in Madrid”, an Arabic church that brings the gospel to a large unreached sector in the Spanish capital.
World Vision says the effect of the pandemic could mean that another nine million children could be added to this figure by 2022.
We need biblical wisdom to use social media correctly, understanding its relevance. An article by Kaiky Fernandez and Pedro Dulci.
We are aware of spiritual things, and know the consequences of them, but we cannot see them.
In Israel there are currently seven species of vipers. In the Old Testament there are numerous Hebrew terms that refer to them.
Evangelical churches acknowledge the serious refugee crisis but “continue to selflessly and tirelessly respond to the overwhelming needs around them”.
Megan Rohrer was accused of racism and is under a disciplinary investigation of the ELCA.
First and foremost, disabled people (of any age) have the right to use whatever words, labels, descriptions etc. that they feel are applicable for them.
A study shows that 93% of clergy refer victims of abuse to support agencies. The majority of churchgoers are confident to seek hep for these issues in the congregation.
There are almost 700 million African Christians, and many live in Western countries. Israel Olofinjana analyses the challenges and opportunities for African mission in Europe.
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