504,836 users visited this website in 2022. We are thankful for your trust, financial support and prayers.
The important thing is not what we feel, but what God says.
A summary report of the Lausanne 4 Listening Calls. An article by Steve Sang-Cheol Moon.
How about thinking about whether our church, meets the needs of children and young people with additional needs and their families?
From 8 to 15 January, European evangelical churches are invited to pray and rejoice together.
Fulani extremists attacked several towns, burning more than 100 houses. 53 Christians were kidnapped and are still held captive.
Let’s take stock of how God would want us to use our eyes this year. After all, they are an essential gateway by which we can guard our hearts.
In 2 reports submitted to the Committee on the Rights of the Child, the Protestant Evangelical Committee for Human Dignity asks to abolish surrogacy and ban minors’ access to pornography.
In Ukraine the New Year celebration has always been more important than Christmas. This year is different, more people are focusing on Christmas and its meaning.
Photo gallery of Revive Europe 2022.
Swedish Board of Health warns that “care has been characterised by a lack of knowledge about the results of treatment” and recommends “to be given in the context of research”.
Activist Shane Claiborne believes that a form of nationalism has developed that camouflages as Christianity, but becomes an obstacle for people to meet Jesus.
The 3-hour class “will focus on recovering the invitation and challenge of making disciples within the life of the church”.
How to manage perinatal mourning as individuals, church and society? “We have to listen”, says Ana Amelia Sánchez, a psychologist with years of experience in that issue.
Despite his being “conservative” and “traditional,” his was a well-rounded Roman Catholic orthodoxy that had no place for the “five solas” of evangelical faith.
Obeying God is not a list of prohibited things... Obedience to God is depending only, and exclusively, on Him in every situation.
More than 60 different species of weavers are found in Sub Saharan Africa, tropical Asia and Australia. The nests can vary in shape, size, material and building technique.
Revive Europe gathers the new generation for repentance, forgiveness and awakening.
Growing classes, concern for children’s safety due to school shootings and religious beliefs are among the reasons for the rise of homeschooling in the US.
Official data show a slight upturn in abortions. 90% of them were “at the woman's request”.
Evangelical Christians should stand up for people who are unjustly forcibly recruited, sent to the front, and forced to kill against their declared will and conscience.
The views of 10 European Christians, including a Protestant worker expelled from Turkey, an Albanian pastor defending his freedom of expression, an Ukrainian missionary seeking to return home, and a Spanish mime successful in Germany.
In 2022, the European Evangelical Alliance held a Hope for Europe experience in Sarajevo. Watch the highlights in this summary video.
We should preach as professionals in the sense of “to the best of our ability” and as amateurs in the sense of “with the passion of a captured heart”.
The executive committee of the Christian Alliance of Evangelical Churches discussed pending issues and stressed the need for dialogue and reconciliation.
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