Revival groups remain in the Lutheran Church but have their own dynamics. An explainer for those outside Finland.
God does not only love us, He is love: that's one of His attributes.
It serves as a lesson, delivered through a symbolic sign. This was a common practice on the part of Old Testament prophets.
“There are still at least 130 million people, speakers of 1,680 languages, with a clear need for translation of the Bible into their languages”, say the members of a Bible translation initiative in Spain.
An inteview with Manuel Rainho, the General Secretary of Portuguese IFES Group.
Local officers stormed into the church and “brutally beat church members, used electric shock prods to incapacitate them”, denounces Forum 18.
In Berlin, an exhibition shows death up close and personal. It’s certainly not for everyone, but still a fascinating experience.
In Cluj-Napoca (Romania), the Heartbeats Festival (1-3 June 2023) will offer quality music and workshops in a safe environment. The aim, to offer the “hope and joy” of the gospel to “our sons, daughters and friends”.
Good observation of the details in a passage will set us up to accurately learn what the text means.
According to NGO Forum 18, convictions are used to “intimidate individuals” who use their religious freedom. Sentences include fines of two months of average wage and bans on religious activity.
In the Central European country, bans on worship lasted longer than elsewhere. Jan Figel’ brings a challenge to the European Court of Human Rights.
The pastor of the Evangelical Church of Castelldefels (Spain) looks back at the first 7 years of work in the city and addresses the current challenges.
Evangelical politician Marc Jost: “In a society in which we often talk to each other via the media, we need conversations with ideological opponents”.
The cross became a symbol of healing, hope and resurrection for Europeans from east to west.
In the Paris area, the number of those who identify as believers is significantly higher than elsewhere.
The United Bible Societies reported that 100 million people read some scripture in their own language for the first time in 2022.
The Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Animals and Plants of the Bible, by biologist and theologian Antonio Cruz, analyses the over 300 animal and plant species mentioned in Scripture.
It is relatively easy to achieve one of the three, but a response that speaks to the true influence of lives transformed by Jesus should touch all three.
There is no closed door for anyone in the world who wants to come near to God.
The 3-hour class “will help participants identify best leadership practices and ways to incorporate them”.
The report on secularism and religion shows that 40% of the population is atheist, agnostic or indifferent to religion. The figure rises to 57.9% among young adults.
“We need the voices of all God’s people, sharing their understanding of the word of God in all its ancient power and contemporary relevance”, said Christopher Wright in Prague.
Through special services and charity events, evangelicals in Latin America commemorate the death and, above all, the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
We should never stray too far from his passion if we are going to follow him well, do good theology, or seek to offer hope in this world.
What are the implications of being able to eliminate inherited genetic diseases? Biochemist and research scientist , Daniel Fernández analyses these issues.
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