I propose you to read, listen, contemplate the passion and death of Jesus through a different and incomparable medium: Johann Sebastian Bach’s music.
“As Christians we trust in God, so we see Haiti in a different way than the rest of the people and the media”, says the head of a children's ministry in the country.
The importance of the Epistle to the Hebrews lies in the fact that it describes the deep significance of the historical facts concerning the passion and death of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Half of the priests think that the Church should marry same-sex couples. Some have already officiated gay marriage ceremonies against the official stance.
The three-part series is a Turkish-American production. It blends dramatic reenactments with insights from theologians and historians. “What really drew us in was the mystery of Moses’ inner life, his struggles with his own identity, his self-doubt”, the creators say.
School handbooks now explain that all hate crimes should be reported to the police. The police are to set up reporting centres throughout Scotland where you can go and ‘clipe’ (a Scots word for snitch or tell-tale) on anyone.
Despite the controversies and the censorship in many countries, Mel Gibson’s masterwork from 2004 continues to be very popular across the world.
Aglow held its largest conference ever in the Southern European country, providing a space for encounter, reflection and evangelical unity around the gospel.
Despite the popular impression that Van Gogh discarded his faith in Christ when he became an artist, his letters reveal that Jesus remained his chief inspiration.
In seven brief utterances, Jesus proclaimed the most profound sermon that has ever been preached, a beautiful synopsis of the gospel.
They received the Ukraine's White Cross for evacuating over a thousand people with disabilities since the outbreak of war, and bring them in Germany and Austria.
At least 137 people were killed in a concert hall outside of Moscow in an attack claimed by ISIS “against a gathering of Christians”.
Tribal villagers violently attacked and expelled an old man and a couple for refusing to renounce their Christian faith.
Evangelical churches in Romania and Croatia remain connected to those who emigrate. Christians are encouraged to have a missional mindset and to hold on to their Christian values as they start a new life in Western Europe.
The Baptist Union voted not to change its policy on marriage and ministry. They also confirm that homosexual orientation is no bar to accreditation.
In Spain, a group of Christians involved in creation care have published recommendations for both local churches and individual believers.
Not all topical sermons are created equal. What is the difference? Whether or not it is expository topical.
Director Joel Forster recounts the ins and outs of the past nine years in an episode of the Lausanne Movement’s “God on the Move” podcast.
Read the second part of an in-depth report about the 2024 World Without Orphans global forum held in Chiang Mai.
A farmer I met had just left the Lutheran Church and joined a neo-pagan community. “Unlike Christianity, people here live in harmony with nature”, he told me. “Here, man is still man and woman - woman”.
The 7th edition of the Month of the Bible mobilises over 200 bookshops to “put the Bible in the spotlight” under the theme “When Bible and sport team up”.
A federal amendment aims to allow Sunday work in cities with international tourism. “It does not correspond to any overriding or compelling social interest”, evangelicals say.
Far too often in the mission world, we mistake burnout as the height of service to God, but effective service cannot be done by a burnt out, shrivelled body, mind, or soul.
A public television report shows the situation of pastors who have not been able to get their pensions because their work during the Franco regime was not recognised.
David Fincher's film showed us the reality of life in a broken world, where we can neither be known, nor fully forgiven. Only supernatural work will do that.
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