Next year will certainly be a holy year of religious tradition, but it cannot be called a jubilee in the biblical sense.
“In this sad time, it gives me great joy that the church is showing how God's love tastes”, says a pastor in Jeseník, one of the towns most affected in the Czech Republic.
Keily Murillo tells the testimony of how a raging fire changed her business vision and brought her closer to God.
The exclusion of God from our lives inevitably leads to an escalation of violence, as James writes in his New Testament letter.
In a straightforward style, Stéphane Lauzet describes the steps different streams of evangelicalism in France did to create the National Council of Evangelical Christians. “They put aside their preconceptions and recognised their common faith”.
Three simple questions on a Sunday morning for anybody working on Monday morning.
The state, local authorities and the displaced Christians reach an agreement to restore supplies and give evangelicals time to assess damages and request state-sponsored aid.
I came from the future because in Seoul at L4, I had the opportunity to connect with issues of relevance for the coming years of the Global Church.
Four ways Lausanne’s latest congress in Incheon-Seoul impacted global evangelicalism.
It is curious how cinema dialogues with time. Francis Ford Coppola’s film is about the future, yes, but it has its roots in a work written more than two thousand years ago.
Muriel Furrer, a young cyclist in Switzerland, died while competing in the World Championships. She was 18 years old and had a deep faith in Christ, which she often expressed on social media.
A tribute to Daniel Bourdanné (1959-2024). By Bryn Rickards and Sarah Hannington.
The dish is a colourful combination of ingredients and flavours that evokes the fragility of the human, as well as the strength of resilience.
The most regrettable was the shamanic ceremonial in the Constitution Square, breaking the rules of a secular state, with a spiritual consecration of serious repercussions.
The arm of the Lord is a symbol of might and power that the nations should fear, and yet a symbol of tender strength that God’s people should trust.
Several people were arrested after an American woman died in the so called ‘Sarco’ capsule. The Swiss interior minister says it is not legally compliant.
What effect the experience that led to the song Why Me, Lord? had is unknown, but Kris never wanted to identify himself as an evangelical musician.
All plenaries, workshops and roundtables were oriented towards the proclamation of the Gospel in our personal and collective spheres of influence.
A report of the conference of media ministries associated with TWR in Europe, Central Asia, the Middle East and North Africa.
In 2023, 103,097 abortions were performed in Spain, an increase of 4.8% over the previous year. The pharmacological method is on the rise.
The topic stimulated a broad comparison between the various positions and experiences in our country and beyond.
“Our God is a generous God, and that will never change”, says a church leader in this rural region of Switzerland.
The more than 5,200 attendees from 202 countries signed a ‘Collaborative Action Commitment’. The Seoul congress emphasised unity as the key factor in taking the gospel to every person, everywhere.
While AI does not pose an existential threat to humanity, we must be aware of the concerning ways it is shaping our understandings of God, ourselves, and the world around us.
On the cross, Jesus suffered the punishment for all the sin of the world, He yielded up his powerful hands out of love.
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