Survey was carried out before the last terrorist attacks. Trust in the EU is higher than trust in national governments.
The funding of mosques will be controlled, and he imans will receive training. 20 mosques have been shut down this year.
“Children face suspicion upon arrival”, the report states. Meanwhile, German Chancellor Angela Merkel has defended her policies on refugees in the wake of recent terror attacks
The CNEF expressed “its sympathy to the families and friends of the victims and to all the Catholics of France”, and called “to testify of the love of Christ in a world in disarray.”
Another hostage is seriously wounded. "Two soldiers of the Islamic State had carried out the attack”, the Daesh-linked Amaq news agency confirmed.
There were 45 unaccompanied children in one of the rescued boats. “The EU cannot turn its back to the people who risk their lives fleeing from violence, extreme poverty and political persecution.”
“Russian Evangelicals are not problematic and radicalised citizens and they should not be treated that way”, says Thomas Bucher, the General Secretary of the European Evangelical Alliance.
Her husband and two young children survived. They are members of a church in Nice. Evangelical churches called to pray for all families of the victims this Sunday.
Read the CNEF statement (English).
A truck ploughed two kilometres through hundreds of people who were watching the fireworks for France's national day in Nice. The attack was of “an undeniable terrorist nature”, Hollande said. Christians call to pray.
“Millions of Christians around the world are praying for France”. Evangelical churches will dedicate Sunday worship services to pray for the families.
German Bishops' Conference, and the Protestant Evangelical Church in Germany (EKD) issued a joint statement about the harassment and attacks Christian refugees suffer.
About 120,000 people are sexually exploited in Italy. The ‘Alleanza Tesori Raggianti’ network partners with local churches to offer “true healing in Christ”, Erika Tello explains.
The daughter of a vicar, she attends a local Anglican church regularly. She supported gay marriage and does not like to speak about her faith in public.
One month ago, the five Bodnariu children were finally returned to their parents. But what have been other consequences of the case? Norwegian Christian journalist Tarjei Gilje shares his views.
“Many atheists are beginning to see that their loud, aggressive attitude is not working”, says Mathematics Prof. John Lennox in an interview with Evangelical Focus. “We need to spend time to get to know Scripture at beyond a kind of Sunday school class level”.
A report launched by the EU Intergroup on Freedom of Religion or Belief analyses the restrictions in 53 countries. “Human rights should not be a hobby, they should be a core task for a diplomat.”
Organisers of ‘Together for Europe 2016’ in Munich believe “500 years of division is enough, unity is possible”. Pope Francis and Orthodox Patriarch Bartholomew I supported the meeting.
More than 230 are wounded. Turkish officials have confirmed 13 foreign nationals were killed in the attack. All signs point to Daesh .
Juncker speaks at EU Parliament plenary session in Brussels. Verhofstadt: “Negativism is the most shocking thing of what has happened in Britain, not the choice of the people.”
After the referendum, the tensions run high. The Evangelical Alliance United Kingdom calls to follow the example of Jesus and practise “generosity and love.”
The PM gets one third of the votes and widens the distance with the Leftist parties. Agreement with other parties is still needed to end the half-year long political deadblock.
Meletis Meletiadis, President of the Synod of the Greek Evangelical Churches, analyses the Orthodox Council in Crete (Greece).
“We pray for leaders across Europe, and around the world, as they face this dramatic change”, the Anglican Archbishop of Canterbury writes after the EU referendum.
Narrow outcome (difference of 1.3 million votes) opens a political crisis in the UK and an unpredictable scenario in other countries of the European Union. PM David Cameron announces he will step down.
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