“Spain has a huge task ahead of generating a big social consensus” about recent history, evangelicals say.
The minister for families said it is “an important step toward the legal recognition of people whose gender identity is neither male nor female”.
The evangelical family of one of the victims held their own funeral. Italian Evangelical Alliance: “The state assumes everyone is Catholic”.
Churches offer help to the local authorities. 600 people have been evacuated from their homes, including an evangelical family.
‘Dozens’ have been killed, the emergency services in Genova say. More than 30 vehicles fell from a height of 45 meters.
A team of young people from a local church clean burnt properties “removing items, carrying wood and offering a hope of restoration”.
According to the IOM, 60,309 migrants and refugees have entered Europe by sea in 2018. “I think that Spain reacted in a very positive way. But it cannot go on this way”, the EU Immigration Commission said.
“We want to get away from a default setting that just assumes everyone is Christian”, said opponents. “The importance of religious beliefs should not be underestimated”, the Church of Scotland pointed out.
“Climate change is one of the great moral challenges of our time, it's fantastic to see churches doing their bit to ensure they reduce their impact on the environment”, Nicholas Holtam, Bishop of Salisbury, said.
The EKD reports that it lost 390,000 members in 2017, more than the Catholic church, which lost around 268,000. Both blame the decrease on Germany’s demographics.
“A lot of people are blaming the State, blaming God”, says a Christian in the region. “Please pray for the country”.
About 600 evangelical leaders from across Europe are expected to attend the European Evangelical Alliance “Hope For Europe” conference in Estonia, in October.
Many were trapped in zones of difficult access in East Attica, near Athens. Dozens went into the sea to escape the flames. Christian organisations in the region are offering help.
The Special Committee on Terrorism proposes to “ban and remove all religious literature within their territory that incites to violent and terrorist acts”,
Škripek is a Member of the European Parliament (MEP) and a convinced Christian. To him, praying for a seemingly hopeless situation as there is in Syria is a logical thing to do.
“Our well-being in Europe is a God-given gift - it obliges us to offer ourselves to help and share”, the German Evangelical Alliance says.
The European Court of Justice sides with Finnish data protection authorities. Preachers will have to inform about the personal data collected during their campaigns.
The increase in diplomatic tensions between France and Italy reopen the debate about the future of the European Union. “Our ties are found in Christ and are so much stronger than these political games”, says the Italian Evangelical Alliance.
Arie de Pater, Brussels representative of the European Evangelical Alliance: “There is a tendency to call the migrant the problem, feeding a rhetoric in which we, Europeans, are the victims. But that is not the case”.
The most viewed television broadcaster falsely accused an evangelical pastor of pederasty.
The National Council of Evangelicals of France organised a training meeting under the theme “Dialoguing with the authorities, a necessity for building the future”, which included a visit to the National Assembly.
Jesús Caramés, Rector of the Spanish Faculty of Theology of the Assemblies of God talks about the theological education in Spain.
All ministers of faith minorities representing less than 1% of the population “would be required to be Bulgarian citizens, having graduated theology in this country”, explains Vlady Raichinov, Vice President of the Bulgarian Evangelical Alliance.
The CNEF presented its positions on the Estates General of Bioethics in a public event. “The value and dignity that the Bible recognises for every human being invites respect for all”, they said in a statement.
The new #FoRBDefender movement stands in solidarity with people across the globe facing discrimination, oppression and violence because of their religion or belief (including non-belief).
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