Homeless people “are much more deprived and vulnerable than before because of the epidemic”, a worker of Christian organisation Ágape +, says.
This year’s edition of the ELF will be online from May 22-28. Over 100 speakers will teach in workshops, seminars, networks and plenary sessions.
The October 2020 Gathering has been moved to November 2021. The “Impact Groups” of the LE2020 Conversation are still running.
There are differences in the expected dates but evangelical organisations are already offering specific recommendations to churches.
“Religious communities have been very responsible and very problem-conscious”, the spokesman of the German government said. The Austrian Chancellor gave “a special thank you to the churches”.
How and when churches expect to go back to face-to-face gatherings.
The governor of the region wrongly announced on television that Baptists arriving in Russia from Spain had brought the coronavirus.
The Brussels Representative of the European Evangelical Alliance, Arie de Pater, analyses the situation of the EU amid the coronavirus, and the role of Christians in this crisis.
The National Council of Evangelicals of France supports “the current restrictions for reasons of public health”. “In this crisis, we keep our hope in God intact, and seek to share it”.
Pastor Miguel Ángel Martín has been threatened with a fine by the regional government of Madrid after being the subject of a hidden camera report.
Big companies are using the confinement to attract new consumers. The Protestant Evangelical Committee for Human Dignity and other six platforms call to protect children and fight human trafficking.
In her first-ever Easter message, Queen Elizabeth II shared the Christian hope amid the coronavirus crisis.
The evangelical church in Mulhouse that suffered hundreds of Covid-19 cases always complied with the sanitary measures. Despite a media storm and fake news, the evangelical community proactively looked for solutions.
“We live in a completely overwhelming situation”, a worker of an evangelical nursing home says. Personnel and material is scarce and solidary initiatives have been strarted to provide resources.
The Spanish Evangelical Alliance analyses the challenges and decisions happening in the areas of medicine, economy and social justice in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic.
“We want to collaborate more with other churches, but language is a barrier”, say pastors of the Chinese Christian Churches.
A survey shows that women have more existential questions than men, while Protestants and Catholics are the ones who think more about the meaning of life.
The confinement in our homes is forcing millions to stop abruptly, cancel all our plans, and take time to look in the mirror.
Christians in various countries mention the loneliness in times of confinement and the needs of the elderly, as priorities to be addressed in the coming weeks of crisis.
Prayer and pastoral care online, workshops, Instagram humor, are some of the responses to the first days of confinement.
Christians face the challenge of acting creatively as millions enter phase of confinement. “It might shape some of the future offers of our churches”.
Eight European countries have already declared the state of emergency, banned or strongly restricted the entrance of foreigners, and asked citizens to stay at home.
Worship songs are heard in balconies, online communities are organised, and a Day of National Prayer has been called for next Sunday.
Schools and other public services have been closed. Hundreds of thousands confined in some regions. Evangelicals suspend all services and meetings and call to pray according to Psalm 91.
Norbert Valley had been previously condemned for breaking the Foreigners Law for offering lodging to a Togolese man. “We must work to change the law”, the pastor said as he left the courts.
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