The evangelical association New Life, in northern Spain, served almost 4,000 last year.
The attacker was arrested and described himself as a Christian. “In no way can the example of Jesus Christ lead to violence”, evangelicals say.
The screening in Paris of the documentary Buying Her shed light on the motivations of prostitution clients. It was followed by a roundtable with experts.
Clément Diedrichs was proposed by the Minister of the Interior to recognise his 36 years of service to the National Council of Evangelicals in France.
“Our reputation among the non-Roma people is very recognisable in a good way”, says Pastor Selim Alijevic. Before having a building, the church helped start two dozens of other congregations.
The breakfast is a “friendly space to get to know each other and to pray for our country and its political leaders”.
The EU law passed in Brussels could “transform the lives of millions of exploited workers”, says the European Freedom Network.
The mayor of Grenoble wants to draw up a “more pluralist” calendar by replacing religious holidays with secular celebrations.
The three-day national conference included testimonies from Ukraine and legal changes to strengthen the national Baptist Union for the future.
Most drivers who enter these worship places built in service stations across the country are over 50 and stay around fifteen minutes.
OM invites young Christians aged 18-30 to visit 11 countries between June and August. “Experiencing mission first hand can lead to being called more long term”.
The event takes place every year to celebrate Pentecost. “We long for people to become familiar with who Jesus is”, say the organisers.
Speakers agreed that instead of regulating the practice of surrogacy in the European Union, efforts should be made to highlight that surrogacy means, in essence, the commodification of children.
The European Freedom Network (EFN) asks parliamentarians in Brussels to pass legislation that forces companies to identify and address human exploitation.
The president got over 52% of the vote and will lead the county five more years. Christians and other minorities still face restrictions in their freedoms.
The European Leadership Forum conference in Wisla (Poland) underlined the importance of public evangelism. Over 750 prayed together and networked for mission.
Justin Welby calls on the government to set 10-year strategies for tackling human trafficking and for an international collaboration to solve the refugee crises.
The emigration of Argentinians to Italy increased lately. The search for opportunities and the missionary call among the reasons to return for Christian families.
“The bill will result in human life being valued on its efficiency and utility, and increase pressure on the vulnerable”, religious leaders say.
“Young people have lost hope and the meaning of life […] The authority of the Bible must be restored”, says a Finnish Christian doctor and writer.
Images of the European Leadership Conference which is gathering 750 evangelical leaders from across the continent in Wisla, Poland. Gospel integrity is one of the main themes.
Evangelicals in the region mobilise on the ground. “We desire to help our brothers in Christ and be useful for the community”.
The government prevents Belarusians from complaining about the violations of their rights to the UN Human Rights Committee.
Matthias Schöni, director of the Swiss Licht Im Osten, says a new truck with help is already on its way to Ternopil. After the attack, “we have received many food and financial donations”, he says.
The Spanish Constitutional Court recognises the “woman's right to self-determination” regarding abortion. Evangelicals “regret and denounce the lack of protection of human life”.
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