New Testament writers desired believers like us to be at home with eschatology, owning it for our lives, so that it doesn’t feel strange or scary.
In the midst of war, it is humbling to be reminded that the Creator of the universe is personally interested in each of us, and that His love for us is beyond our understanding.
For Lebanese followers of Christ, the call to peacemaking is not just a moral ideal and an expression of our love for God, but also a necessity for the survival of a diverse nation.
Many churches who shifted to a more “missional” posture , simply added missional programs, without recalibrating the church in light of our incarnational Head: Jesus.
Are we living out the teachings of Jesus in a way that reflects love and compassion? Are we willing to challenge the status quo and make necessary changes before it is too late?
I thank God for the many men and women whom He uses to provoke us to live a thoughtful, faithful, and obedient life.
Peace does not necessarily come as a top-down pronouncement from those in power, but can show up through ministry.
I am alarmed at the number of soundbites that promote intolerance, all in the name of freedom of speech.
Christ offers us a purposefulness that transcends the banality of life we experience as exploited consumer-producers and gives us a role as agents of His Kingdom. By Jad Tabet.
AI is a fascinating tool that Christians may help develop in ways that glorify God, despite the potential for sinful distortions. An article by Abed Zien El Dien.
The Holy Spirit can help us acknowledge and process our emotions, seek support from God and others, and find hope and strength in God’s promises.
To our friends and family members who are away: I pray that God is your home. He hasn’t given up on Lebanon, so don’t give up on Lebanon either.
Real ministry has frequently happened from a distance: 22 of the New Testament’s 27 books are letters written for the purpose of teaching from a distance.
Disciple making is the explicit lens by which we can view the life and ministry of Jesus. An article by Wes Watkins.
Looking anew into our disabilities deepens our relationship with God and exposes us to His might. An article by Abed Zien El Dien.
Seeing issues from the perspective of brothers and sisters from a different culture or social class is vital.
In the Great Commission, Jesus calls us to preach the gospel and make disciples, thus extending and expanding his family.
Mutual respect, accompanied by wise communication, are vital as we aim to build healthy relationships with our MENA neighbors.
Though fellowship among youth is important, it falls flat if it is not a consequence of developing a strong and loving personal relationships with Christ. By Jad Tabet.
Honest reckoning with our religious pasts is essential for faithfully engaging religious “others” today. An article by Brent Hamoud.
What remains in question is not whether the Christ calling should be viewed as political, but whether we will engage in good political theology or in bad political theology.
Who am I inclined to pray for, and who do I tend to dismiss? Where do I draw my lines? And do my lines reflect the heart of God?
The brokenness in Lebanon is overwhelming. Even so, the work of churches and Christian NGOs is profoundly encouraging.
Our relationships with those who impose sanctions and those who suffer sanctions must be shaped not by our respective authorities but by the will and calling of our Savior.
In the Bible displacement and death are presented as sinister co-conspirators against the human experience. An article by Brent Hamoud.
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