It is crucial to understand that the Roma are not homogenous but are different minority groups dispersed over numerous countries and continents.
It is important for Christians to face the fact that terrorism cannot be explained through the singular lens of persecution of Christians. An article by Wanjiru M. Gitau.
The still-burning Amazon fires are only a part of an increasing planetary crisis, and raise important questions about an appropriate Christian response.
Nurturing the seeds of a young global movement.
While all cultures and religions may display aspects of servant-leadership, Jesus Christ is the ultimate embodiment of a servant-leader.
The intersection between spiritual warfare and Christian mission, from an African perspective.
We are called to bear witness to God’s kingdom on earth to transform people’s lives holistically, rather than simply bringing about political solutions.
Global Integration is a framework for engaging actively and responsibly with our world, locally through globally, for God’s glory.
Many Disney movies mix Judaeo-Christian teaching with other religious elements and spirituality and then ‘put some magic on top’ as the final solution for making your dreams come true.
Strengthening the church in the face of a troublesome trend.
Scripture engagement in the remotest regions of Uzbekistan.
Leaving behind individualistic materialism for integral mission.
Recovering a vision of elderhood for the global church.
The need for transformative pastoral training in the majority world.
In a major speech in 2016, President Xi Jinping called for the ‘sinicization of religion’. For the Chinese Communist Party, the rise of religion, especially Christianity and Islam, represents an existential threat to its political health.
Finding the balance between safety and compassion.
Bridging the field and academia.
We can relate to refugees because we, too, have no permanent home in this life. We are on a shared journey, equals in the eyes of the Lord, all dependent upon His grace.
The dynamics of global collaboration among Christians are changing. Not only Skype, Whatsapp and Zoom are used frequently, but also smaller, more specific tools are of great use in specific mission contexts.
Migration is our time’s greatest challenge (and opportunity).
Confronting gender bias and cen in reintegration.
Systemic persecution and its implications.
Embracing our mission of holistic transformation.
How integrity can tame the beast of bribes and extortion.
The Hindu fundamentalism or Hindutva has important implications for India and global mission.
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