Paul instructed his readers to pray for the authoritarian leaders of his day, so that the ‘soft powers’ of the gospel–love, truth and justice–could prevail.
While his powerful use of the new technology of printing, his appeal to the masses and opposition to the ‘corrupt elites’ certainly resonate with the populist image, his goal was to reform, not overthrow, the established order.
Globally, some 65 million people have been displaced this year, roughly equivalent to Britain’s whole population.
Slovakian MEP Branislav Škripek, Princess Margaretha of Liechtenstein, and former prime minister of Ethiopia Tamrat Layne, spoke about how faith in God has shaped their lives.
A healthy, informed debate on the role of migration is sadly lacking in Europe. Europeans talk about migration, Africans talk about the diaspora.
A man who thinks the whole world revolves around him has been helped into the White House by millions of evangelical Christians.
As Americans go to the voting booths to choose the candidate they hate the least, we in Europe need to brace ourselves for the outcomes.
509,980 is the number of people forced into labour in the EU. That’s more people than those living in Toulouse. Or Liverpool. Or Gdansk. Or Antwerp.
There is a place for patriotism and healthy national pride. But surely we should get nervous when British exceptionalism and nationalistic fervour get wrapped up in religious language.
In response to television programmes romanticising adultery, one parliamentarian in Netherlands raised sponsorship for roadside adverts stating: ‘Adultery–the family game where everyone loses’.
Sir Fred Catherwood: “Patriotism gives to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s. But in the end nationalism wants total allegiance, because it is more than politics. It is religion.”
Kajsa Wahlberg: ‘Criminals are businessmen; they calculate profits, marketing factors and risks of getting caught before investing time and money into selling women in a particular place.’
Freedom needs spiritual values, internalised discipline and self-government. The truth will set us free, Jesus promised.
Healthy debate about the future of the European project is stirring in Britain. And that really needs to happen in all member nations.
Journalism? What’s that got to do with the Great Commission, some would wonder. Shouldn’t he be translating the Bible, preaching, or maybe caring for the sick?
Many European leaders have ignored founding father Robert Schuman’s warning that the enterprise needed a soul.
Does a secularised Europe have any real basis for faith in the core values stemming from the story which made Europe Europe in the first place?
Many Europeans are living like squatters in a house built on biblical concepts and revelation yet denying their debt to such foundations.
In God’s purposes, death is not the final word. Responding to the shock of the tragedy in Arusha and the outrage of Navalny’s death, we must choose to trust that God has a ‘good reason’.
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