Accretions were added in history but are now part of theology and practice. They have percolated in such a way as to modify all doctrines and practices.
Europe has an enormous bureaucracy (parliament, commission, council, courts, etc.), many skills and excellences in various sectors, but it does not have an adequate leadership.
The movie only anticipates some outcomes that are consonant with respect to the “catholic” (inclusive, all-embracing) direction that Jorge Bergoglio imprinted on the Roman Catholic Church.
In dealing with Catholic apologetics, keep in mind that the evangelical faith is the faith that honors the lordship of Christ and the supreme authority of Scripture in all matters of faith and life.
The latest encyclical of Pope Francis takes its cue from the Roman Catholic devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus to elaborate a more general reflection on the heart.
It is up to the church to be a magnetic people, living out the Gospel in a way that testifies to God’s authority, God’s control, and God’s presence in and over everything.
Next year will certainly be a holy year of religious tradition, but it cannot be called a jubilee in the biblical sense.
We are living through the waning and final phase of Pope Francis, and the topic of the future is not just an abstract exercise.
A Thomist answer and a preliminary evangelical critique.
The Roman Catholic sacramental system, infused with causal efficacy, turns out to be a mirror of pagan systems of rites of passage associated with birth, adolescence, marriage and death, says the Parisian theologian.
Papers were followed by discussions and informal conversations that helped participants refine the issues and share applications to their specific contexts in academic, ecclesial, or missionary service. A book with 11 authors is planned for the end of this year.
The Supreme Court still operates within a pattern of thought whereby places of worship must have “objective characteristics”, perhaps thinking of Roman Catholic churches with altars, statues, chapels. The final ruling is unfair and discriminatory.
From an evangelical standpoint, his problem is not in the details or some compartments of his thought but in the fabric of his system that is permeated by a thoroughgoing optimism in human capabilities.
Ultimately, we must ask if we are prepared to review our traditions in light of Scripture as our ultimate authority and be willing to change accordingly.
This is to regard Thomas as an indispensable interlocutor in the history of Christian thought to be read critically and generously in light of the principle of “sola Scriptura”.
The challenges of secularisation, disengagement, and abandonment of religious practice are putting increasing pressure on the Roman Catholic Church right here in the eternal city. Rome is still religious in its “hardware” but less and less so in its “software”.
Blocher dissects the internal structure of Catholic ecclesiology and tries to grasp the connections that legitimize Rome’s high view of itself and its inflated prerogatives.
Bauman’s attraction to Pope Francis shows how disillusioned post-Marxist intellectuals find in Pope Francis a figure who instills hope in the general dullness.
With a "declaration" of high hierarchical value, Roman Catholicism is now officially in favor of blessing gay unions, as are many liberal Protestant churches around the world.
According to Francis, theology must be “fundamentally contextual” and no longer start from “first principles.” It must translate into a “culture of dialogue” with all and no longer think of itself as only lecturing to the world, religions, and others.
Once you pray with someone in public, you are conveying that all the participants share the same Christian faith and are “brothers and sisters” in Christ.
Francis thinks of his pontificate as a “pastoral” attempt at building bridges instead of creating walls with the whole world, leaving doctrinal issues aside.
There is a risk the whole conversation may become a sterile exercise when two or more experts talk to one another, losing the gospel focus healthy theology must always have.
Benedict XVI died at the end of 2022, but on July 1st, his shadow receded further from the Vatican.
“Rapito” was presented at the 2023 Cannes Festival. It tells the true story of Edgardo Mortara, a Jewish boy from Bologna, who was kidnapped from his family in 1858 and taken to a Catholic boarding school by order of the Inquisition court.
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