The sixth edition of the Rome Scholars and Leaders Network was held in Rome.
The politician and media tycoon was the post-modern embodiment of what Augustine meant when talking about the danger of ‘amor sui’ as opposed to ‘amor Dei’.
Reading him critically and generously in light of the Scripture Alone principle, seems to be the best evangelical approach to Thomas Aquinas.
J. Gresham Machen wrote his book Christianity and Liberalism exactly a century ago.
For the President of the Pontifical Council for Christian Unity, the motivations that gave rise to the Protestant Reformation were met and are no longer tenable outside of the Roman Catholic Church.
Ratzinger was concerned that Luther’s interpretation of the Christian ministry as mainly characterized by preaching, prayer, and pastoral care ware becoming widespread in Catholic circles.
Instead of relying on an alleged common ground, let the Bible define your language and lead your conversation.
In a nutshell, according to the cardinal, all human beings will be saved by Christ, with or without faith in Christ.
Despite his being “conservative” and “traditional,” his was a well-rounded Roman Catholic orthodoxy that had no place for the “five solas” of evangelical faith.
The first results of the “synodal process” in European dioceses are attacks on the Tridentine paradigm.
In recent years, we have witnessed a growing fascination with Thomas Aquinas and Thomism by evangelical theologians.
The history of the Roman Catholic conclaves indicates that electoral majorities do not predictably follow in the way they were formed, but can be constructed in an unexpected way.
Rome fears that the pendulum of Catholicity breaks the framework of Romanism.
A historical sketch of the Nature-Grace interdependence (III)
Let us seize the occasion of the elections not to feed evangelical indifference, but to prepare ourselves to be spiritually alert and culturally equipped.
The kind of “evangelization” the Pope is advocating for in Praedicate Evangelium is something utterly distant from the biblical meaning of the word.
The Rome Scholars and Leaders Network held its fifth edition. It is unique for its disciplinary focus in Roman Catholicism and the quality of its program.
A historical sketch of the Nature-Grace interdependance (II)
It made quite an impression to have a work by Warhol among the dozens of artworks housed by an evangelical worship space in Rome for a week-long display prior to an auction.
A historical sketch of the Nature-Grace interdependence (I).
Francis is a “liquid” pope who is liquifying an institution that has made its rocky and immutable structure a distinctive trait of its identity.
The act of consecration by Pope Francis will include this prayer: "O Mother, hear our prayer. Star of the Sea, do not let us be shipwrecked in the tempest of war. Queen of Heaven, restore God’s peace to the world".
Eucharist has been elevated to a primary identity-marker: practiced, taught, protected, abused, and used for various purposes, including extra-religious ones.
As a Jesuit, Pope Francis tends to use an equivocal style, a dubitative and incomplete form of argumentation, an “open” logic, a colloquial if not casual tone, and a pastoral trait which often lacks clarity and coherence.
The evangelical faith, while feeling totally part of the history of the faithful church, is ultimately submitted to Scripture alone.
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