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Spanish evangelicals write a public letter to thank health workers

“We are deeply gratieful and are praying for you [...] Your invisible work existed and will exist beyond the coronavirus”, the letter says.

FUENTES Protestante Digital AUTOR 5/Evangelical_Focus BARCELONA 20 DE JULIO DE 2020 17:00 h
Photo: [link]Jonathan Borba[/link], Unsplash CC0.

A group of Spanish evangelicals joined to write a letter to the health workers, thanking them for the work they did and continue doing during the coronavirus crisis that have already left more than 28,000 people dead in Spain.

The project was coordinated by Rosa Mª López Posteguillo, a nurse and president of the Bioethics Commission of the Spanish Evangelical Alliance.


“You have had to work in an unimaginable scenario”

They begin the letter saying: “we write you now, after the first tsunami that has devastated Spain (and the whole world). We do this as a broad group of evangelical Christians”.

Some of us are your companions, who have lived more or less closely the tremendous battle that has been fought, being aware of what it has meant, and the risks that have been taken”.

Others have experienced the direct consequences (sometimes tragic) of the covid-19 in the lives of our family, friends or even in our own lives, knowing that your hands and hearts were always there to help us”, they add.

The authors of the letter recall that “every day you were applauded at 8 in the afternoon. You have been called heroes without a cape. You have had to work in an unimaginable scenario and you have supplied with your dedication the resources that were often lacking”.


“We want to express our deep gratitude and are praying for you”

“You have also taken our place alongside our relatives and loved ones when they were isolated; and have helped us communicate with them. We know that it is your job, but it did not include endless and exhausting working days, due to lack of resources”.

The signatories of the letter, “as unofficial representatives of the evangelical churches throughout Spain, want to express our deep gratitude and say that we have been praying for you, and will continue to do so”.

“We know and have experienced that trusting God gives us courage, peace, and hope. We always need hope to live, but when the circumstances are worse, it is essential. We comit to continue asking God to renew your strength every day”, they stress.


“Your invisible work existed and will exist beyond the coronavirus”

Furthermore, they, “as citizens, commit to advocate for a fair, labor and human behaviour towards you as health workers, when the public recognition finishes, so that the recognition does not ended up being ust fireworks of a summer night”.

“Beyond the applause, whether or not this wave of contagion ends, we believe that any work, and especially yours, deserves fair treatment. You have to be cared for in the same way that you have cared for so many people, beyond these moments of enormous visibility. Because your invisible work existed and will exist beyond the coronavirus”.

The authors of the letter conclude saying that they “are at your disposal with all our heart, and we send you a warm hug and our wish that God bless you”.




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MIEMBRO DE: Evangelical European Alliance (EEA) y World Evangelical Alliance (WEA)

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