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Christians working against human trafficking gather to “refresh and reignite”

The European Freedom Network Bridge 2025 conference happens in Horn, Austria. “An opportunity to learn and collaborate, to see the end of trafficking in Europe”, say the organisers.

AUTOR 5/Evangelical_Focus HORN (AUSTRIA) 21 DE MARZO DE 2025 09:43 h
Participants of the European Freedom Network Bridge 2024 conference, held last year in Lisbon. / [link]European Freedom Network[/link]

The European Freedom Network (EFN), a Christian community that fights human trafficking and commercial exploitation in Europe, is holding its Bridge Conference 2025 from 24 to 28 March in Campus Horn, Austria.

The theme of this year is Refresh and Reignite: Revived Hearts & Restored Lives. It “reflects the multiple purposes of the conference in providing a holistic time of encouragement for attendees, and the opportunity to learn and collaborate as we reflect on the past year and create action steps in moving forward with our shared mission to see the end of human trafficking in Europe”, the EFN Network Facilitation team told Evangelical Focus.


Expert learning, networking and self-care to fight human traffiking

Throughout the conference there will be “a combination of expert-led plenaries, workshops by EFN members and partner organisations, small group discussions and time for holistic refreshment through daily worship and devotions”.

“The atendees are the staff and volunteers of grassroots organisations, which are addressing trafficking in their European countries, regions, and cities, and our purpose is to assist them in doing that”, explain the organisers.

That is why there will be “relevant learning on leading practices”, through the plenaries given by Dr. Laura Pinkston from the Freedom Business Alliance, an organisation that seeks to create life-giving jobs for survivors of human trafficking and those at risk of exploitation; and Lucrezia Bosio, data engagement manager of Stop the Traffik.

Another important part of the Brige 2025 will be to network and collaborate with others, “through both structured and spontaneous sessions, to build capacity through the sharing of resources, research, etc”, points out the EFN team.

There will also be time for recreational activities, which include exploring Horn.


Prayer for the Bridge 2025

The EFN Network Facilitation Team calls on European Christians to “pray for smooth travels for attendees and presenters. Also, please pray in the attendees’ own words that they would be equipped, inspired, encouraged, gain new vision and receive rest while collaborating, learning and networking”.

“In addition to praying for Bridge and for EFN and its members, European Christians can get involved, by making a donation or becoming a volunteer, to assist EFN in fulfilling its mission”, they add.


Beyond the annual gathering

Bridge is just one part of all the actions and projects carried out by EFN to “fight human trafficking and commercial exploitation in Europe and to seek the restoration of victims in collaboration with strategic stakeholders”.

“As a network, this is achieved through fostering a Christ centered collaborative community that upholds the dignity and safety of all people through the promotion of leading practices and professionalism”, EFN Network Facilitation team told Evangelical Focus.

The EFN groups “are members who digitally work together for a shared common purpose, they host monthly Community Calls to learn, connect, and collaborate”. One example is EFN's Prostitution Policy Change Action Group.

Moreover, “there is a member led EFN prayer group to which members can submit prayer requests for their organisations and then is shared with all registered members via email”.


[title]Join us to make EF sustainable[/title]


[text]At Evangelical Focus, we have a sustainability challenge ahead. We invite you to join those across Europe and beyond who are committed with our mission. Together, we will ensure the continuity of Evangelical Focus and our Spanish partner Protestante Digital in 2025.

Learn all about our #TogetherInThisMission initiative here (English).





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