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France: Month of Bible focuses on opening the door to hope

Around 200 bookshops participate in this initiative “to promote the discovery of the Bible”, through animation and a Bible study online, among other resources.

FUENTES Bible Society AUTOR 5/Evangelical_Focus PARIS 05 DE MARZO DE 2025 12:40 h
Shop window of one of the participating bookshops, with the poster of the Month of the Bible./ [link]ABF[/link]

As every year, the French Bible Society (ABF) and the publishing company Bibli'O organise the eighth edition of the Month of the Bible, in collaboration with the French union of booksellers of religious literature (SLLR).

According to the ABF, the aim of this national initiative, which takes place every March with the participarion of around 200 bookshops, is “to raise interest in the Bible and promote its discovery”.

The theme of the 2025 edition is ‘The Bible, source of hope’, which “it is an opportunity to bring a little light into a world that needs it so badly”, say the organisers.


Learning more about the Bible

“Getting to know the Bible is like pushing open the door of a great old library, because the Bible is more than just a book”, point out the ABF.

That is why, as part of the Month of the Bible resources, they have created a website that explains how the Bible is structured, its different versions, and how to start discovering it.

The resource includes the ‘Explore the Bible’ programme, for anyone who “wants to experience and follow a course of 8 sessions to familiarise themselves with the Bible, its history and its characters in a spirit of dialogue, good humour and curiosity”.


Animation: From despair to hope

Each year, the Month of the Bible team provides Christians with ideas for activities to do with family and freinds, in churches or small groups.

For this year's edition, the Bible animation team has prepared what they call “a journey from despair to hope”, based on Luke 24.13-35.

“Like the disciples on the road to Emmaus, we are on a journey, sometimes blinded by our own expectations, but encouraged to recognise the risen Christ in his Word and his message”, they underline.


20,000 Bible-based magazines

In adition to all those online resources, the ABF also distributes around 20,000 copies of Bible-based magazines and 30,000 bookmarks to the bookstores that participate in the initiative.

Furthermore, in the previous months they asked their members and partners to send them their testimonies about how the Bible is a source of hope for them. They have selected many to share them on the Month of the Bible website.

Find more information about the initiative and resources to promote the Bible Month here (in French).


[title]Join us to make EF sustainable[/title]


[text]At Evangelical Focus, we have a sustainability challenge ahead. We invite you to join those across Europe and beyond who are committed with our mission. Together, we will ensure the continuity of Evangelical Focus and our Spanish partner Protestante Digital in 2025.

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