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Eric Liddell (‘Chariots of Fire’) to share the gospel at the Paris Olympic Games

‘Running the Race of Your Life’ retells the victory and testimony a century ago of the Christian athlete. Evangelist J. John hopes to distribute one million copies in Paris 2024.

FUENTES Evangélico Digital AUTOR 298/Jose_Dalberto_Vargas,5/Evangelical_Focus 07 DE MAYO DE 2024 17:31 h
A copy of the booklet ' Running the Race of Your Life' / [link]Race of Your Life[/link]

British evangelist John Ioannou John, better known as J. John, has written a booklet based on the Christian athlete Eric Liddell, who a century ago won the gold medal at the 1924 Olympic Games in Paris.

According to J. John, the booklet, called Running the Race of Your Life, aims to inspire conversations about God during this year's Olympic Games in Paris.

He recalled that 3.05 billion viewers watched the Tokyo 2020 Games, making it “the most loved sports event in the world”.

“A global audience will watch as 10,500 athletes seek to earn a podium position and etch their name into Olympic and Paralympic Games history”, said J. John, who saw it as “a unique opportunity to share the message of Christianity with friends, family, neighbours and colleagues”.

For the evangelist “it cannot be a coincidence” that both the 1924 and 2024 Olympic Games take place in Paris, where he hopes to distribute one million copies. “If we are to reach the world with the gospel, we must reach our world”, he added.

[photo_footer] The booklet aims to inspire conversations about God with athletes at the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. / Race of your life. [/photo_footer] 


‘Chariots of Fire’

Chariots of Fire's moving soundtrack has become a staple of sporting events.

The pastor explained that the story of Liddell, retold in this film, focuses on his uncompromising desire to honour God in his running. He added that the Scottish athlete was also known for refusing to compromise his beliefs, even at the risk of losing Olympic glory.

J. John also stressed that the athlete “did not let his achievements define him, but allowed them to illuminate how truly amazing God is, and no matter what we face in life: putting God first is always the answer”.

[photo_footer] A scene from the film Chariots of Fire [/photo_footer] 



The booklet has already managed to make Liddell's story known to a whole new generation of athletes.

“My husband and I read Running the Race of Your Life and it was such an insight. I had heard of Eric Liddell, but I didn’t actually know his story. It has really made me remember the importance of putting God first and letting everything else follow”, says Bethany Firth, 6-time Paralympic gold medallist.

John Bostock, professional footballer and founder of Ballers in God said the material is “a powerful and timely reminder of an incredible life of sacrifice that was spent for Jesus rather than things that fade”.


[title]One more year[/title]


[text]At Evangelical Focus, we have a sustainability challenge ahead. We invite you to join those across Europe and beyond who are committed with our mission. Together, we will ensure the continuity of Evangelical Focus and Protestante Digital (Spanish) in 2024.

Learn all about our #OneMoreYearEF campaign here (English).





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