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Protestante Digital


Enjoying the insights of 260 authors

So far, we have published over 2,000 opinion and analysis articles by authors who have good Biblical perspectives on relevant topics.

EDITORIAL AUTOR 5/Evangelical_Focus 22 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2020 16:00 h
A random selection of some of the 260 authors that have contributed over 2,000 articles to Evangelical Focus since 2015. / [link]EF[/link]

As we write this editorial, 1,089 articles have been published in the Evangelical Focus opinion columns, and another 996 in the weekend Magazine.

More than 260 authors have contributed with these over 2,000 opinion and analysis articles, giving us a depth and plurality that we hoped to provide when we started this media project for Europe in 2015.

As Christians, we believe God’s Word, the Bible, has much to say about the world we live in. The Gospel is not only good news and light for what happens inside the walls of our church buildings (even less now with the Covid-19 context!). The Christian message is relevant to speak into all spheres of human activity and offers answers to the complex questions that arise in our society.

It is a great privilege to be able to listen to Christian experts in areas so diverse as environment, immigration, bioethics, technology, human rights, cinema, sports, etc. We, the editorial team, enjoy and learn with the perspectives of all of these authors and we try to include at least one of their pieces in our daily newsletters.

As Christians, we need to be able to understand the globalised and complex world around us through the lens of the Bible. We are thankful for all those who generously have contributed to Evangelical Focus so far, and we look forward to address the new topics that will arise.

Find a full list of authors from over 40 countries who have contributed to Evangelical Focus since 2015.


  [title]The translation task[/title]



 [text]Many of the articles published at Evangelical Focus have been translated into English from their native language by some excellent translators who sacrificially give time to this media project. Thank you very much, Roger, Esther, Jason, Nicky and others! [/text]







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MIEMBRO DE: Evangelical European Alliance (EEA) y World Evangelical Alliance (WEA)

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