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Protestante Digital


Subscribe to ‘Evangelical Focus’ newsletters

Are you no longer receiving our newsletters? The re-design of Evangelical Focus means you have to sign up to receive them. Follow these easy steps.

NEWS DESK AUTOR 5/Evangelical_Focus 15 DE MAYO DE 2020 13:35 h
[link]Newsletters Evangelical Focus[/link].

The new website of Evangelical Focus has now been working for two weeks, and we take the chance to answer a question that several of our readers have asked us.

What happened to the daily newsletters?

The answer is they are being sent out as usual, but a new sign up is needed for everyone.

This will not only renew our mutual commitment but also allow you to give us again your explicit consent, complying with the latest data privacy regulations.

To get the Evangelical Focus newsletter, just follow these two steps:

1. Go to login and enter you email and password (you will need to register if you do not have an account).

2. Choose what kind of newsletter you want to receive.

This update of your preferences will also enable you to perform other actions on the website, such as commenting on articles and voting in polls.

We are looking forward to re-connect with you!


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MIEMBRO DE: Evangelical European Alliance (EEA) y World Evangelical Alliance (WEA)

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