lunes, 3 de marzo de 2025   inicia sesión o regístrate
Protestante Digital


A battle for the identity of Romania

The tension between two mentalities ("globalist" versus "sovereignist") affects all segments of society, including the Church.

Timisoara, in Romania. / Photo: [link]Laura Ghise[link], Unsplash, CC0.

At this time, Romania as a nation is at a crossroad. We never had this kind of political situation after the revolution against the communist system in December 1989.

At the cancellation of the presidential election at the beginning of December 2024, the tensions in the Romanian society raised to a climax. In essence it is a tension between two mentalities: "globalist" versus "sovereignist" tendencies. And this tension affects all segments of the society including the Church, the religious area. Some leaders and members of the Church have one perspective, the other side have the other perspective.

But what is more and more a real challenge for all citizens of our nation is the fact that it was lost the constitutional right to vote, to express the free will related to the political orientation of the Romanian nation. As it is mentioned in the Scripture, in the "last days", there will be tensions even between members of a family, or inside Churches. Also, we as Christians we understand better than Non-Christians why it is so important to be under the right and a legal social/political authority to cover us (as a nation).

Also from the Scripture, we know that at the end of times, God will judge the nations. Not only individuals. So it is a battle for the national identity of Romanian nation.

[destacate]More and more we believe God is in control, He has the last word. In fact, He is our only one hope[/destacate]We are praying a lot here in Romania. And as a media entity we encourage constantly all the Christians, beyond denominations, to pray and fast for our nation. Because more and more we believe God is in control, He has the last word, He can change instantly the situation. In fact, He is our only one hope.

And we see now a raise of the huge interest in our nation, in the last weeks, for Christian values, many mention in various situations the name of God as ultimate solution. And more and more are on the streets with Romanian flags and with banners asking the "Romanian nation back to its spiritual calling".

Many prophetic voices consider this time of instability, of spiritual confrontation, as an extension of His mercy, as a time ordained by God for all of us, to look for our values, to reconsider us as a nation, a Romanian nation loved by God, to rediscover Him in a new way.

[photo_footer] 30 years of Alfa Omega TV.[/photo_footer] 

As Alfa Omega, as a non-denominational Christian media, serving Him in Romanian media for more than 30 years, we are concerned about using any minute to spread the Gospel, to use any opportunity to speak about Him. We understand that the time is very short: we have to do all we can do to expand the Kingdom, with what we have in our hands, as the door for the Gospel is still open in East Europe and until the light is on.

And we need your prayer for Romania, as a nation, to enter in our destiny. We believe Romania will became a platform to spread the Gospel in all East Europe and this divine plan is one of the reasons for the strong spiritual confrontation.

The Lord is coming soon!

Tudor Petan, director fo Alfa Omega ministries in Romania.


[title]Join us to make EF sustainable[/title]


[text]At Evangelical Focus, we have a sustainability challenge ahead. We invite you to join those across Europe and beyond who are committed with our mission. Together, we will ensure the continuity of Evangelical Focus and Protestante Digital (Spanish) in 2025.

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