martes, 22 de octubre de 2024   inicia sesión o regístrate
Protestante Digital


In Italy, an open discussion table on evangelicals and the media

The topic stimulated a broad comparison between the various positions and experiences in our country and beyond.

A participant of the Giornate Teologiche 2024, visiting the documentarion centre of the IFED, in September 2024. / Photo: Calogero Sorce.

A stimulating and open discussion table. This is one of the possible definitions that can describe the content of the “Theological Days” promoted by IFED (Evangelical Formation and Documentation Institute), which in the 2024 edition saw the presence of over two hundred attendees to listen to the discussions of the speakers invited for the occasion.

Held in the institution’s Padua headquarters from 6 to 7 September, the gathering had an important and current theme: “Evangelicals and Media”. The topic stimulated a broad comparison between the various positions and experiences, through the expressions made known in the study sessions.

[photo_footer] Tim Challies was the Bible expositor of this year's edition of the conference. / C. Sorce [/photo_footer] 

There were seven sessions in total. Among them, a couple of which were curated by Tim Challies, pastor, blogger and writer of texts also published by the Italian Assemblies of God (ADI) Media publishing house.

Various other exponents of the contemporary evangelical world also participated in a rich programme. The main purpose of the two days was “to focus on the challenges for evangelical testimony and propose a healthy and culturally relevant biblical approach”.

[photo_footer] The session about the work of Evangelical Focus. / C. Sorce [/photo_footer] 

Among the guests who gave a contribution of experience was Joel Forster, director of Evangelical Focus and member of the team of the Spanish-language daily news website Protestante Digital.

Also Calogero Sorce, member of the Assemblies of God Media, Radio and TV Department, and editor in chief of the news service Notiziario ADI.

[photo_footer]  The presentation about the media work of the Assemblies of God Italy. / Via C. Sorce [/photo_footer] 

Different cultures, similar experiences and a great desire to grow in an area that seems anything but obvious: the presence in the media and their constructive use for sharing thoughts and messages that point to the person of Christ Jesus the Lord.

[photo_footer]  A guided tour through the largest evangelical library in Italy. / C. Sorce [/photo_footer] 

To make the stay at the Padua facility even more interesting, there was also a tour of the largest evangelical library in Italy, which has the presence of several tens of thousands of academic study texts, starting from ancient and precious publications (also in Italian) to the most recent editions of the various Christian publishing houses in the country and on an international level.

[photo_footer] The IFED building in Padova, Northern Italy.  / C. Sorce [/photo_footer] 

Calogero Sorce, editor in chief of Notiziario ADI, a news service of the Assemblies of God in Italy.


[title]One more year[/title]


[text]At Evangelical Focus, we have a sustainability challenge ahead. We invite you to join those across Europe and beyond who are committed with our mission. Together, we will ensure the continuity of Evangelical Focus and Protestante Digital (Spanish) in 2024.

Learn all about our #OneMoreYearEF campaign here (English).






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