lunes, 24 de febrero de 2025   inicia sesión o regístrate
Protestante Digital


Inspiring the nations through ‘Games Talk’, a media outreach in Paris

“We believe the sports activities will provide unparalleled circumstances for evangelism across many cultures”, said Cécile Chan-Janiaud, TWR Director for Digital Media Ministry in Europe .

Photo: TWR.

During the summer of 2024, Paris will host the XXXIII Olympics. As with every four years, the world will hold its breath in admiration of athletes who have dedicated their entire lives to achieving their dreams of becoming Olympic champions.

Sporting events have always drawn crowds because it is inspiring to witness greatness, sportsmanship, perseverance, and the surpassing of personal limits.

As the world turns its eyes to Paris, TWR (Trans World Radio) is partnering with French media association PHARE FM for a special “PHARE FM PARIS TOUR” week to celebrate Phare FM’s 35 years of existence and ten years of broadcasting in Paris. 100% of its broadcasts will be live in Paris from July 22 to 26, 2024, from 6:30 a.m. to 8 p.m.

[destacate]Sporting events have always drawn crowds because it is inspiring to witness greatness, sportsmanship, perseverance, and the surpassing of personal limits [/destacate] Beyond the local or national aspect, the collaboration between PHARE FM and TWR propels the Games Talk project internationally through its global network of partner radios.

These will broadcast some of the programs translated into their national language with the help of artificial intelligence, which will be under careful human supervision.

AI will indeed play a crucial role in facilitating the provision of audio content in English, Spanish, Arabic, Portuguese, and Russian.

TWR is created a dedicated page, to showcase all the athlete interviews and programs as they air. Using radio, the internet, and other digital platforms, TWR aims to reach people from all walks of life with messages of hope and encouragement.

Its global network connects even the most isolated communities, providing support and spiritual resources to a global audience.

Special live broadcasts will be hosted from the Maison du Protestantisme, headquarters of the Protestant Federation of France. PHARE FM will offer nearly fifty interviews with athletes, high-level sportspeople, and sports professionals.

[photo_footer]Games Talk logo [/photo_footer] 

French and international athletes, able-bodied and with disabilities, chaplains, and sports professionals will discuss various subjects such as success management, sports and faith, sports burnout, career transition, and professional retraining.

[destacate]Special live broadcasts will offer nearly fifty interviews with athletes, high-level sportspeople, and sports professionals[/destacate] In parallel, a mobile studio housed in the "Living Bus PHARE FM" will tour the Paris region in the mornings and afternoons with duplex broadcasts, highlighting the initiatives and activities of local associations and churches involved in social, cultural, and sports events.

More than a traveling radio studio, the bus is designed as a living space to inspire interaction and dialogue. It will give actors from the associative world and churches in the Paris region a platform to showcase their activity during the summer of 2024.

Several PR materials with QR codes linked to the ministry’s digital resources will be distributed at the event. Pray that these materials will inspire active media engagement.

“In summer 2024, the eyes of the world will be on the events in Paris. What an incredible opportunity to share the gospel with the nations from both near and far! We believe the sports activities will provide unparalleled circumstances for evangelism across many cultures and that the message of the Bible still has the potential to transform lives in France and beyond”, said Cécile Chan-Janiaud, TWR Director for Digital Media Ministry in Europe.


Prayer reasons

Paris 2024 is not just a major sporting event and entertainment opportunity; it is also a spiritual battlefield because the name of Jesus will be proclaimed, and the enemy will surely launch attacks.

Therefore, we need your spiritual support and prayers. May the name of Jesus be spread, heard, and accepted—for His glory!

Pray with us for this innovative outreach event this summer:

  • Ask for God’s favor upon the core project team as they manage extensive coordination, meet tight deadlines, and navigate significant legal aspects involved in their work. Pray they find the strength, wisdom, and creativity they need to lead this innovative global initiative.

  • We depend entirely on the Lord’s provision, so pray that we will receive more generous financial contributions to cover the costs. If you would like to support this innovative outreach on the international stage, please join us in the Games Talk project to help share the gospel during this unique, global sporting event.

  • Pray for the success of the intensive AI tool testing, a collaborative effort with TWR partners, which is crucial for translating, formatting, and repurposing audio and video content for a broad international audience during the Olympic Games. Ask for God’s wisdom as we learn and grow in using innovative technologies to further the gospel’s reach.

  • Pray that the project will effectively highlight Phare FM’s heart for sharing the gospel through their programs, leading to increased visibility this summer in France.

  • Ask the Lord to encourage the radio station staff currently operating with limited personnel. The Olympics project is only one part of their daily work, so they need physical, emotional, and spiritual strength.




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