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European elections through Biblical lenses

No matter what some candidates might tell you, there are no easy fixes to complicated issues. We trust that this list of  questions will help you in your preparations for the European elections.

Photo: [link] European Parliament[/link], Flickr CC.

In the article Considering politics with Biblical lenses, we introduced a pair of glasses formed by a frame of Biblical truths holding two lenses of Biblical values.

The three Biblical truths are:

- Who God is,

- Who human beings are and why we exist,

- What went wrong with the Fall and what God will restore at the end of time.

The three Biblical values, leading in the article, are:

- Love,

- Justice,

- Freedom.

We trust that this pair of glasses will be helpful when considering what and whom to vote for in the European elections scheduled for June 6-9, 2024.

As European Evangelical Alliance (EEA), of course we won’t tell you how to vote. It is not our place to do so. And, with different lists in all 27 EU member states, it would not be possible anyway. But we definitely want you to participate in the elections.

There will be no party or politician, no matter how like-minded, who fully shares all your interests and priorities. There is no politics without compromises.

That’s why we as Evangelicals, although we are all deeply rooted in the Bible, might not all vote for the same party or candidate. And that is fine. We can debate our priorities and positions, iron sharpening iron, but in the end, we might have to agree to respectfully disagree.

The European Union is facing several challenges: the war in Ukraine, regulating migration, climate change, trade and economic policies (including agriculture), power supply, societal fragmentation, worrying demography, and more.

No matter what some candidates might tell you, there are no quick and easy fixes to any of these complicated issues.

Given the complexity of the issues the European Union is facing, we felt that a simple pair of worldview glasses could help to get a more comprehensive view on these issues and on the elections.

We trust that the questions listed below, will help you in your preparations for the European elections.

Remember that the European elections are not about your own national government. If you want to express your opinion about the domestic policies of your government, you’ll have to wait until the next national elections.


Biblical truths

Who God is

God is the beginning and the end of all, the supreme power, and the ultimate source of truth and love. Only in Him can we be safe and secure.

Therefore, consider: To what extent does a political party or politician:

  • acknowledge that there can be something bigger than themselves?

  • respect and leave room for people who want to worship and obey God, even if they do not believe in Him themselves?

Who we are

As humans, we are all created in the image of God and therefore of infinite value and dignity.

Therefore, consider: To what extent does a political party or politician:

  • acknowledge and protect the dignity of all human beings?

  • value and protect diversity?

  • protect the most vulnerable, both near and far?

  • strengthen and protect the rights of minorities in society?

  • fight dehumanisation and abuse, including online?

  • foster a culture where all human beings can feel welcome, safe, and protected?

The Fall

Since the Fall, we live in a broken, imperfect world amongst imperfect people.

Therefore, consider: To what extent does a political party or politician:

  • acknowledge their own limitations and shortcomings in the past?

  • take responsibility for their own words and deeds?

  • strengthen and protect democratic institutions?

  • strengthen and protect independent courts and judges?

  • strengthen and protect a diverse and independent media?


Biblical lenses


God is the ultimate and deepest source of unconditional love. He sacrificed His own Son to save us. Love cannot be regulated. It must be freely given.

Therefore, consider: To what extent does a political party or politician:

  • show servant leadership?

  • create an environment conducive to respectful and healthy relationships between people?

  • promote and defend an environment conducive to strong and resilient families?

  • promote policies protecting children?

  • provide safety and support in case relationships and marriages fail?

  • support self-help projects and neighbourliness?

  • ensure the provision of necessary care and health care in all stages of life?

  • consider the plight of those living in extreme poverty?

  • require businesses to respect workers, suppliers, customers, and the environment?

  • promote good quality education for all and facilitate life-long learning?


Biblical justice is about holding people accountable, about making things right, and about restoring relationships.

There is no justice without a proper understanding of good and evil and without the truth.

Therefore, consider: To what extent does a political party or politician:

  • promote a biblical understanding of good and evil?

  • speak and protect the truth?

  • practice what they preach?

  • promote and defend a fair and effective transparent legal system, protecting society against evil whilst promoting merciful policing and imprisonment?

  • accept and defend the verdict of the court, even if that would go against their own interest?

  • take responsibility for creation and defend and promote climate justice?


Real freedom is only found in God. It is a gift from God, enabling human dignity and flourishing for all.

We are all meant to be free from oppression and crushing poverty so that we are free to worship, grow, learn, relate, create, and live.

Real freedom is only found within the basic boundaries of the Ten Commandments.

Therefore, consider: To what extent does a political party or politician:

  • promote freedom and the good of all people in line with the Biblical concept of Shalom – human flourishing for all, spiritually, relationally and economically?

  • promote and defend a free society for all?

  • promote both freedom and the responsibility that comes with it?

  • promote an ethical framework of restraint to protect the freedom and flourishing of ‘the other’?

  • exemplify freedom and respect in their own lives and in their campaigning?


Concluding remarks

We strongly believe that God’s vision for mankind, as found in the Bible, is Good News for all human beings and we call on all Evangelicals in EU member states to participate in the European elections and to vote for candidates who reflect some divine wisdom in their policies.

We trust that the abundance of reflection questions provided above, will help you in making your choice on June 6-9, 2024.

Whomever you vote for, we trust that you will cover these elections in prayer.


Arie de Pater, head of the Brussels office of the European Evangelical Alliance. This article was re-published with permission.




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