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Protestante Digital


9 years of ‘Evangelical Focus’

In the last twelve months, over 400,000 users visited Evangelical Focus. See what countries in Europe and globally visited us most.

EDITORIAL AUTOR 5/Evangelical_Focus 08 DE ENERO DE 2024 13:19 h
For 9 years now, 'Evangelical Focus' has offered daily news and views from Europe. / Photo: EF.

Time flies, and after Christmas and New Year's Day comes 8 January, our annual time to look back with gratitude.

It was this date back in 2015 when Evangelical Focus was first launched. Our vision was to help build bridges between church and society, to give a voice to people in Europe who have good biblical perspectives, and to do journalism that serves God’s mission.

As we enter the year 2024, we can only thank God for his faithfulness, as well as our 392 authors for their contributions, and our volunteers (translations, technical issues, administration, etc) for their dedication.


What happened in 2023

In the last twelve months, over 400,000 users visited Evangelical Focus. These are the countries in Europe that visited us most:

1. United Kingdom

2. Sweden

3. Germany

4. Netherlands

5. Portugal

6. Spain

7. France

8. Italy

9. Finland

10. Switzerland

Globally, almost every country in the world landed on our site at some point, but the United States, Canada, Australia, India and the Philippines, stood out with thousands of visitors each.

Many of you read stories about how Christians and the evangelical faith are perceived in our increasingly secularised context. Religious freedom issues in Europe continued to raise much interest, as well as the perspectives of our authors on themes such as feminism, ecumenism, the surrounding pop culture or Artificial Intelligence. Discover our Top 10 of most read in 2023.

Changes in the algorithms of Facebook and Twitter affected our social media interactions and reach this year. This is why we strongly encourage all our readers to subscribe to our newsletter – daily or weekly. It is the best way to get our contents directly and for free.


An open, non-profit journalistic project

2023 was also the year in which we celebrated 20 years of the Spanish-speaking Protestante Digital, the vision that inspired Evangelical Focus' model for the rest of Europe.

As we work towards our tenth year of existence, we continue to look for unique stories and views from Europe. Our dream is to make sure the work of our journalists is sustainable in the months ahead and we are sharing our #OneMoreYearEF idea with our readers.

We believe that reporting on all kind of current issues from a Christian perspective is not only useful, but necessary.

Whether you have been following Evangelical Focus from our beginnings in 2015 or you have just joined us recently, thank you for being part of our community!

The Evangelical Focus team


[title]One more year[/title]


[text]At Evangelical Focus, we have a sustainability challenge ahead. We invite you to join those across Europe and beyond who are committed with our mission. Together, we will ensure the continuity of Evangelical Focus and Protestante Digital (Spanish) in 2024.

Learn all about our #OneMoreYearEF campaign here (English).






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