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Christmas, a flash of grace

The Evangelical Focus team wishes you a wonderful Christmas time. As we come to the end of 2022, may we look at Jesus and “serve Him without fear” (Luke 1:74).

EDITORIAL AUTOR 5/Evangelical_Focus 23 DE DICIEMBRE DE 2022 13:14 h
The Evangelical Focus team wishes you a wonderful Christmas. / Photo: [link]Jackson Hendry[/link]

It’s Christmas, the much needed time at the end of the year when we allow ourselves to look beyond the daily news.

We all are aware about the difference these days of reflection can make amid events that continue to run over each other.

2022 has been the year of the war in Europe. We have seen much unjust suffering, violence and evil. And we have also witnessed borders, homes and church communities opening across the continent to welcome refugees.

Another worrying trend in the continent as become more evident this year: an acceleration of laws liberalising euthanasia, transgenderism, and abortion. Christians must continue to offer an attractive story about the God-given dignity and design in these difficult bioethical issues.   

And 2022 was also a chance for Christians to join the conversation about creation care and the need to make life more sustainable across the planet. Are we making a difference?


Let us look to Jesus

Of course there are other many other urgent challenges in our neighbourhoods, families, schools and Christian communities.

But let us pause again this Christmas and look at Jesus. Let us identify with Zechariah, who worshipped with joy and hope a God who can “enable us to serve Him without fear” (Luke 1:74).


It was not achieved by martial armies

nor the power of great emperors.

Neither did artists and discoverers,

or the most opulent merchants.

Philosophers and writers failed,

scientists, architects, and doctors.


It was a mystery of centuries revealed,

a flash of unusual grace,

a heartbeat in the hour of the miracle,

a confluence of the all with the nothing.


From the weak and innocent there arose the force

that transformed the whole future.

Shepherds, wise men and an unusual star...

only a child could change the world.

Poem by Pedro Tarquis, December 2022 (translated from Spanish)


We wish you all a wonderful Christmas!






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MIEMBRO DE: Evangelical European Alliance (EEA) y World Evangelical Alliance (WEA)

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