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TWR, Women of Hope touch Latin America

Women of Hope is focusing on specific regions where women are commonly abused and exploited and where many have never heard God’s message of redemption.

RADIO, MEDIA & MISSIONS AUTOR 282/Becky_C_Matthews 04 DE ABRIL DE 2022 09:21 h
Latin America is a beautiful and diverse region, but also a region full of challenges and hardship for many women. / Hristina Satalova.

“Dear sister in the Lord Jesus Christ”, a TWR listener in South America began. “I attend a small church along with a few older sisters. It seems that everyone forgets us here. I listen to the Women of Hope programs every evening. I am not married (God knows why), and I am sick and don’t have Christian friends in my village. I love Women of Hope programs because they address very specific issues for women. A few days ago I listened to a program about people with disabilities, and your guest’s testimony touched me so much that I cried. I would like to share this program with women in my village. As a poor widow, I want to send you a small gift, and may God bless your ministry”.

Through TWR’s Women of Hope ministry, listeners such as this woman can find hope and encouragement.

Trans World Radio’s (TWR) long history of ministry in the Americas dates back to 1964 when our major broadcasting site was established on the Caribbean Island of Bonaire.

Today, in addition to the Bonaire station, we air Christian content on hundreds of local stations throughout Latin America, ministering to individuals across the region!

One of TWR’s ministry organizations is Women of Hope. Their mission is to educate, encourage and equip women to pray, listen, learn, grow and give through media, small-group interaction and leadership development.

TWR Women of Hope speaks hope and healing to women around the world and across generations. Women of Hope is focusing on specific regions where women are commonly abused and exploited and where many have never heard God’s message of redemption.

One of these regions is Latin America. In Latin America, many women experience spousal abuse but are reluctant to talk about it. They will benefit from TWR Women of Hope’s uplifting message of redemption and dignity.

This beautiful and diverse region still holds many challenges for its women. Spanish-speaking women in the Americas face many physical, emotional and spiritual problems.

[photo_footer] TWR Women of Hope speaks hope and healing to women around the world and across generations. / TWR.[/photo_footer] 

Divorce, illness, abortion and sexual crimes surround them. Despite laws against domestic violence, it is on the rise, and women suffer through these cruelties in silence.

To improve their economic situation, many migrate from the countryside to the cities. Unfortunately, though, some find themselves out of work and fall into prostitution and drugs.

Infidelity leaves many women to raise their children alone. Abandoned and unsure of what to do, pregnant women may resort to abortion in illegal clinics, compounding their already overwhelming pain.

Unhindered by geography or social circumstances, radio is the ideal method to reach Spanish-speaking women where they are.

TWR's 30-minute Mujeres de Esperanza (Women of Hope) program is broadcast from the island of Bonaire and hundreds of stations throughout the Americas and Spain.

The goal is for Spanish-speaking women to know the love and care of their Heavenly Father and find new life through Jesus Christ.

“Always I am relying on your program Women of Hope,” a woman in Venezuela writes. “All the themes edify my life and give me encouragement to continue forward in the daily struggles and tensions. My family does not believe that God exists. I am learning through the Women of Hope program that God is real, and I want him in my life. I need your advice.”

Another woman in Mexico shares, “Thank you for your teachings. They have been a great help to clarify my doubts about the biblical context and terms that are difficult to understand. You explained them in a simple way.”

[photo_footer] TWR Radio waves are an excellent way to cross borders of many kinds and be the voice of a friend to the listener. / Adrian Dascal. [/photo_footer] 

A Colombian woman said, “Since last year, I listen to your program, and I think that your sound-doctrine teachings are extraordinary. It is how you search the Scriptures with the wisdom that comes from God and how it drives us to think about the life of Jesus Christ.”

Women of Hope is incredibly encouraged by the work the Lord has done through this organization over the years as they have brought hope in Jesus to women around the world and across generations.


Hidden Treasures

Women of Hope has teams on the ground in the strategic area of Latin America that are ready to add more programs and prayer groups. The need is great, and the time is now.

Teams in Latin America have begun adding to their media content while also evaluating and supporting Hidden Treasures, our outreach to women trapped in sex trafficking.

Hidden Treasures uses the power of media to bring inner healing and freedom to sexually exploited and trafficked women.

Through audio dramas inspired by real stories from real survivors and crafted with professional advice, women are presented with the life-changing message of God’s great love and purpose for them.

The programs are designed to bring hope and offer healthy, wise choices while introducing Jesus and his powerful, passionate love.

Becky C. Matthews has served as a volunteer writer and editor for TWR Europe and CAMENA since 2013.

This article was compiled by Becky C. Matthews from material provided by TWR and Women of Hope.

To hear programming, listen to worship music and access other helpful spiritual resources, visit TWR Women of Hope’s dynamic landing page at TWR360.




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