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Protestante Digital

Greg Gordon

Could it be the Greatest Revival In Church History?

God is at work in a powerful way that in the last 40 years it is estimated that over 100 million people have become disciples of Jesus Christ in China.

GREG GORDON 29 DE MARZO DE 2016 17:16 h
The Beijing railway station. / Wikimedia

What is the greatest revival that ever occurred in Church history? As our mind wanders we consider possibly the Book of Acts, the welsh revival, or one of the Great Awakenings in America. But is it possibly there is a greater revival in these? Yes. And the exciting thing is that it is still happening right now! We are speaking of the revival currently in China! 

God is at work in a powerful way that in the last 40 years it is estimated that over 100 million people have become disciples of Jesus Christ. Currently some estimate the size of the Church at 140 million in China. The revival is known as the “Great Revival” and is primarily based in house churches where 10,000’s have started in the last few decades.

Traditional models of Church are older wineskins that are bursting as God is pouring out new wine in the movement of His Holy Spirit. House Church planting movements are occurring all over the world. There are similar but smaller movements in many countries in southeast Asia.

Currently it is estimated over 30,000 people come to the Lord every day in mainland China. And some estimate 20,000 people come to the Lord every day in India.

House Churches in Western countries are sadly more based on bad prior church experiences and many times are vibrant expressions of the life of the Holy Spirit where new disciples are made, but rather they can be places where it is “better” then the institutional alternative. 

How can we be a part of what God is doing in China and other places? Could similar pressures of persecution be coming to North America and other Western nations?   Are we prepared or considering this as believers in these countries?


Cover of the book.

A group of believers became convinced of this coming reality and have done research for a almost 2 year period compiling lessons from underground house churches from China, Iran and North Korea. Principles for the Gathering of Believers Under the Headship of Christ is an eBook and has seen already 30,000 downloads on Amazon Kindle alone.

Reviews about the volume are saying things like: “A timely message for the Western Church.” “These principles can benefit any believer” “A charter for house churches.” “This book is a beautiful picture of what God is doing with this people today. It brought me to tears at times to know that I’m not alone … The Holy Spirit is preparing the bride of Christ for the return of the King … stirring the remnant up to endure the purifying fire to come.”

The answer is Yes, we can be a part of what God is doing all over the world. We can start to witness and share Jesus Christ and become a disciple of Jesus Christ and not just someone who believes about Him. The Lord is looking for those who will actively follow Him, bear their cross and deny themselves. The Lord is coming back soon and is looking for a glorious Bride without spot or wrinkle being a great witness to the world of Jesus Christ.

If you have not heard of what God is doing in China and other countries inform yourself, download the free eBook and be challenged to have your paradigm shifted and you will never see the Church the same way again.

Greg Gordon is the founder of Sermonindex.net and writes at his blog The Christian Journey. USA.




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