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Spanish evangelical named best Mathematical Sciences student

Jesúa López emphasises the importance that the Christian student groups GBU (IFES) had during his university years: “I grew a lot spiritually”.

FUENTES Protestante Digital AUTOR 298/Jose_Dalberto_Vargas,5/Evangelical_Focus TRADUCTOR Jason Noble VALENCIA 27 DE ABRIL DE 2021 12:43 h
Jesúa López had the best rates in Mathematics in Spain. / Photo: Protestante Digital

Jesúa López Máñez, a young Spaniard from Valencia (Spain) ranked first in Mathematics in the 2020 ranking of the Spanish Society of Academic Excellence (SEDEA).

Spanish news website Protestante Digital talked with the young evangelical to know more about his experience.

“Some friends told me to sign up for the competition. It is true that I had very good grades, but I did not expect that they would give me the first place, it was an honor and a joy”, said López, now a graduate in Mathematical Sciences.

The Spanish Society for Academic Excellence is a national entity whose main mission is to identify and endorse the best graduates in the country. The evaluation is carried out by the institution and a committee of experts in each discipline. Those selected receive a certificate of distinction which can open doors to a better professional future.

The 23-year-old mathematician believes he obtained these results not only due to his discipline and love for the subject, but also to the constant support of his family, girlfriend, friends and his faith community.


Faith on campus

López points out that joining the Grupos Bíblicos Universitarios (University Bible Groups, the Spanish member of IFES) was a very enriching personal and spiritual experience throughout his studies. Over the years, he participated more actively in the GBU, and served with others in the Valencia student leadership committee.

“We met with students from the same campus at least once a week. We took a portion of the Bible and read it together. We talked about how things were going and how we were doing, it was a very good thing. I really enjoyed it”, emphasises López.

GBU Spain is now run by 17 staff workers and 46 volunteers. These groups are active at universities in 45 Spanish cities. Almost 600 students meet weekly, in more than 80 small groups.

“I would really encourage Christian university students to seek out these kind of groups; I felt quite at home. I also grew a lot spiritually”, says López.


God is present at all times

As a student, there were moments of worry, says López. “It is a normal thing, in the end I told God that I wanted what He wanted. At the end of each year, I reflected on things that had happened and I very clearly saw the Lord's hand”.

He stresses the importance of working hard and fighting to reach our goals, but always understanding that a degree does not define people. “Knowing this should take the burden off of us a bit and give us peace of mind”.

López is currently studying two masters, one in biostatistics and the other in quantitative finance.

He recommends always looking for people who are good examples and an inspiration, especially in times of difficulty. “They are fundamental, we see them in our churches, but also in our family, groups and friends”.




[photo_footer]Jesúa López during his interview with Protestante Digital. /José Dalberto Vargas[/photo_footer]











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