martes, 25 de febrero de 2025   inicia sesión o regístrate
Protestante Digital

Alain Auderset

God in the metro

Even when people are so far from Him, God is concerned about the salvation of their souls and about their everyday lives.

APPOINTMENT WITH GOD AUTOR 11/Alain_Auderset 12 DE ABRIL DE 2020 17:00 h

Key contacts

Everything is centred on Paris! So, when I have the opportunity to be there to present my show, I take advantage of the situation by dashing from one appointment to another.

I meet journalists and through them address thousands of people at once, sometimes even all over the country.

I also look for ways to distribute my comic books throughout almost the entire French-speaking world: this often demands from me the energy of the desperate, as the little kings who make all the decisions and whom you need to convince, are often shut away in impregnable fortresses.

Fortunately, however, I also find lots of key accomplices just about everywhere, some even end up becoming friends whom you enjoy going to see just for themselves.


Musical way of escape

It’s the end of the working day. Sprawled across a seat on a local train, I’m done for. I’m going off to meet up with a buddy who is putting me up in the suburbs, even if the day has been full of classic moments,

I really need to get away from it all. Fortunately, I always have my guitar with me. This guitar is better than a beer on the terrace of a cafe... it loosens the strings of my mind. Today my guitar is playing good old blues.

I am in my little world and am no longer anything but one with my instrument. Time no longer exists and my only regret would be if the train were to reach its destination too quickly!

Suddenly, in the crowd, I sense something like a thought from the Lord:

’Play them something soothing, they’ve had a difficult day...’ 

This kindness on His part really touches me. Even when people are so far from Him, God isn’t just concerned about the salvation of their souls, about having them on his team, or about the way they see him.

He is also concerned about their everyday lives, even if they don’t believe in Him and there’s nothing to be gained from it: He loves them! He loves them for themselves, He really loves them...

With tears in my eyes, I play the most beautiful tunes that it is possible for me to get out of this instrument, wishing with all my being that they might be a balm for their hearts and that, even just for the time that it takes to play one piece, they might escape with me. 

Two direction signs on either side of a glass door. The only place that shows us the sky when we lower our heads is water, as that’s where it comes from.




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